2004-May Archives by Author
Starting: Sat May 1 00:03:35 2004
Ending: Sat May 29 18:40:15 2004
Messages: 301
- [vox-tech] Bash scripting newbie - need syntax help
Troy Arnold
- [vox-tech] oracle to mysql conversion (revisited)
Dylan Beaudette
- [vox-tech] oracle to mysql conversion (revisited)
Dylan Beaudette
- [vox-tech] MySQL: convert char to string
Dylan Beaudette
- [vox-tech] bash environment variables (and KDE)
Ken Bloom
- [vox-tech] Kernel upgrade from Sarge (fresh install) 2.4.25 -> 2.6.3 or 5
Ken Bloom
- [vox-tech] Compile 2.6.5 kernel Debian-style, get unbootable system
Ken Bloom
- [vox-tech] Compile 2.6.5 kernel Debian-style, get unbootable system
Ken Bloom
- [vox-tech] Galeon mime types
Ken Bloom
- [vox-tech] Galeon mime types
Ken Bloom
- [vox-tech] Wine and MaxPlus
Ken Bloom
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Ken Bloom
- [vox-tech] ssh with X11 remote
Ken Bloom
- [vox-tech] Locales and installed languages/charsets (in C)
Ken Bloom
- [vox-tech] emergency: please help. /lib keeps disappearing
Ken Bloom
- [vox-tech] Can't mount root while booting 2.6.5 kernel
Ken Bloom
- [vox-tech] surprises: xmms and opterons
Bill Broadley
- [vox-tech] Success with fltk and SDL_image
Micah J. Cowan
- [vox-tech] Success with fltk and SDL_image
Micah J. Cowan
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
- [vox-tech] [OT] windows XP CD won't boot
Michael Dunham
- [vox-tech] [Fwd: Choice of Distributions]
Michael Dunham
- [vox-tech] redirect to squid using router
Ehrhart, Jay
- [vox-tech] redirect to squid using router
Ehrhart, Jay
- [vox-tech] redirect to squid using router
Ehrhart, Jay
- [vox-tech] rndc: connect failed: connection refused
Ehrhart, Jay
- [vox-tech] oracle -> MySQL conversion
Edward Elliott
- [vox-tech] Help please DSL on Debian Libranet
Richard Ely
- [vox-tech] USB mouse moves too fast with custom 2.6.5
Edwin P. Groot
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Ken Herron
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Ken Herron
- [vox-tech] Help please DSL on Debian Libranet
Henry House
- [vox-tech] Has anyone done cartography on Linux?
Henry House
- [vox-tech] Data Conversion From M$ to Linux Question
Henry House
- [vox-tech] Has anyone done cartography on Linux?
Henry House
- [vox-tech] redirect to squid using router
Henry House
- [vox-tech] oracle -> MySQL conversion
David Hummel
- [vox-tech] xorg X11R6.7.0
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] xorg X11R6.7.0
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Data Conversion From M$ to Linux Question
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Data Conversion From M$ to Linux Question
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] data recovery via linux
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] emergency: please help. /lib keeps disappearing
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files [SOLVED]
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Removing Files [SOLVED]
Daniel Hurt
- [vox-tech] Getting PCMCIA Working Under the 2.6.5 Kernel
Chris Jenks
- [vox-tech] Can't mount root while booting 2.6.5 kernel
Chris Jenks
- [vox-tech] Can't mount root while booting 2.6.5 kernel
Chris Jenks
- [vox-tech] Can't mount root while booting 2.6.5 kernel
Chris Jenks
- [vox-tech] [OT] windows XP CD won't boot
- [vox-tech] [OT] windows XP CD won't boot
- [vox-tech] Alert! Regulator failure.
Karalius, Joseph
- [vox-tech] VMWare workstation version 4 for windows
- [vox-tech] Re: [vox-if] [rsvp-May15] Mandrake 9.2 + WinXP; trying to install Fedora Core on Virtual PC
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] Has anyone done cartography on Linux?
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] regex to detect a range of numbers
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] Success with fltk and SDL_image
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] Success with fltk and SDL_image
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] Success with fltk and SDL_image
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] [OT] windows XP CD won't boot
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] redirect to squid using router
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] ssh with X11 remote
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] ssh with X11 remote
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] ssh with X11 remote
Bill Kendrick
- Good Netiquette! :-) (Was Re: [vox-tech] ssh with X11 remote - resolved)
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] Locales and installed languages/charsets (in C)
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] emergency: please help. /lib keeps disappearing
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] Removing Files [SOLVED]
Bill Kendrick
- [vox-tech] Remove a filesystem
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Re: [vox-if] [rsvp-May15] Mandrake 9.2 + WinXP; trying
to install Fedora Core on Virtual PC
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Has anyone done cartography on Linux?
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] USB mouse moves too fast with custom 2.6.5 kernel
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] fsck, badblocks, defrag, and hd weirdness
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] regex to detect a range of numbers
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Success with fltk and SDL_image
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Success with fltk and SDL_image
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Success with fltk and SDL_image
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] [OT] windows XP CD won't boot
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] [OT] windows XP CD won't boot
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] fltk + SDL and questions about handling events
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] data recovery via linux
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] data recovery via linux
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Locales and installed languages/charsets (in C)
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] emergency: please help. /lib keeps disappearing
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Removing Files [SOLVED]
Mark K. Kim
- recommended kernel char sets (was Re: [vox-tech] Removing Files
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Locales and installed languages/charsets (in C)
Mark K. Kim
- [vox-tech] Hardware Recommendations?
Trevor M. Lango
- [vox-tech] Kernel upgrade from Sarge (fresh install) 2.4.25 ->
2.6.3 or 5
Foo Lim
- [vox-tech] MySQL 3.x - deleting orphan rows & datetime()
Foo Lim
- [vox-tech] MySQL 3.x - deleting orphan rows & datetime()
Foo Lim
- [vox-tech] Remove a filesystem
- [vox-tech] Password Security...
- [vox-tech] ssh with X11 remote
- [vox-tech] ssh with X11 remote
- [vox-tech] ssh with X11 remote
- [vox-tech] ssh with X11 remote
- Good Netiquette! :-) (Was Re: [vox-tech] ssh with X11 remote -
- [vox-tech] DVD and labels
- [vox-tech] sendmail+spamassassin
- recommended kernel char sets (was Re: [vox-tech] Removing
Files [SOLVED])
- [vox-tech] Can't mount root while booting 2.6.5 kernel
- [vox-tech] Building a big kernel verses one that uses modules
- [vox-tech] rndc: connect failed: connection refused
Jerome Macaranas
- [vox-tech] regex to detect a range of numbers
Dave Margolis
- [vox-tech] regex to detect a range of numbers
Dave Margolis
- [vox-tech] mutt config question
Samuel N. Merritt
- [vox-tech] Data Conversion From M$ to Linux Question
Rick Moen
- [vox-tech] Data Conversion From M$ to Linux Question
Rick Moen
- [vox-tech] fsck, badblocks, defrag, and hd weirdness
Rick Moen
- [vox-tech] sarge install broken
Rick Moen
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Rick Moen
- [vox-tech] data recovery via linux (Lost Permissions)
Rick Moen
- [vox-tech] emergency: please help. /lib keeps disappearing
Rick Moen
- [vox-tech] emergency: please help. /lib keeps disappearing
Rick Moen
- [vox-tech] emergency: please help. /lib keeps disappearing
Rick Moen
- [vox-tech] Has anyone done cartography on Linux?
Jeff Newmiller
- [vox-tech] MySQL 3.x - deleting orphan rows & datetime()
Jeff Newmiller
- [vox-tech] Alert! Regulator failure.
Jeff Newmiller
- [vox-tech] redirect to squid using router
Jeff Newmiller
- [vox-tech] MySQL: convert char to string
Jeff Newmiller
- [vox-tech] redirect to squid using router
Milver S. Nisay
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Milver S. Nisay
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Milver S. Nisay
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Milver S. Nisay
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Milver S. Nisay
- [vox-tech] rndc: connect failed: connection refused
Milver S. Nisay
- [vox-tech] sendmail+spamassassin
Milver S. Nisay
- [vox-tech] sendmail+spamassassin
Milver S. Nisay
- [vox-tech] sendmail+spamassassin
Milver S. Nisay
- [vox-tech] XL4001R-FJ-02D
Steven Oliveto
- [vox-tech] Bash scripting newbie - need syntax help
Larry Ozeran
- [vox-tech] booting windows XtraPathetic
Lewis Perdue
- [vox-tech] Password Security...
William Perdue
- [vox-tech] Password Security
William Perdue
- [vox-tech] mutt config question
Bryan Richter
- [vox-tech] mutt config question
Bryan Richter
- [vox-tech] mutt config question
Bryan Richter
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Bryan Richter
- [vox-tech] vim leaves # comments at beginning of line when indenting
Bryan Richter
- [vox-tech] emergency: please help. /lib keeps disappearing
Bryan Richter
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Tim Riley
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Tim Riley
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Tim Riley
- [vox-tech] Data Conversion From M$ to Linux Question
Rod Roark
- [vox-tech] Hardware Recommendations?
Rod Roark
- [vox-tech] Hardware Recommendations?
Rod Roark
- [vox-tech] [OT] windows XP CD won't boot
Rod Roark
- [vox-tech] [OT] windows XP CD won't boot
Rod Roark
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Rod Roark
- [vox-tech] ssh with X11 remote
Rod Roark
- [vox-tech] Kernel upgrade from Sarge (fresh install) 2.4.25 -> 2.6.3 or 5
Rob Rogers
- [vox-tech] mutt config question
Matt Roper
- [vox-tech] Success with fltk and SDL_image
Gabriel G. Rosa
- [vox-tech] Password Security...
- [vox-tech] Help please DSL on Debian Libranet
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
- [vox-tech] swap on raid 1 doesn't stick after reboot
- [vox-tech] Kernel upgrade from Sarge (fresh install) 2.4.25 -> 2.6.3 or 5
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] Kernel upgrade from Sarge (fresh install) 2.4.25 -> 2.6.3 or 5
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] Password Security...
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] Has anyone done cartography on Linux?
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] Compile 2.6.5 kernel Debian-style, get unbootable system
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] Compile 2.6.5 kernel Debian-style, get unbootable system
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] Compile 2.6.5 kernel Debian-style, get unbootable system
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] Help please DSL on Debian Libranet
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] fsck, badblocks, defrag, and hd weirdness
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] Hardware Recommendations?
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] fsck, badblocks, defrag, and hd weirdness
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] surprises: xmms and opterons
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] Success with fltk and SDL_image
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] Success with fltk and SDL_image
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] Success with fltk and SDL_image
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] vim leaves # comments at beginning of line when indenting
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] data recovery via linux (Lost Permissions)
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] DVD and labels
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] emergency: please help. /lib keeps disappearing
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] emergency: please help. /lib keeps disappearing
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] emergency: please help. /lib keeps disappearing
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] sendmail+spamassassin
Peter Jay Salzman
- [vox-tech] Hardware Recommendations?
Robert G. Scofield
- [vox-tech] MySQL 3.x - deleting orphan rows & datetime()
David Siedband
- [vox-tech] Kernel upgrade from Sarge (fresh install) 2.4.25 ->
2.6.3 or 5
Jonathan Stickel
- [vox-tech] Re: [vox-if] [rsvp-May15] Mandrake 9.2 + WinXP; trying to install
Fedora Core on Virtual PC
Jonathan Stickel
- [vox-tech] bash environment variables (and KDE) resolved!
Jonathan Stickel
- [vox-tech] Re: [vox-if] [rsvp-May15] Mandrake 9.2 + WinXP; trying
to install Fedora Core on Virtual PC
Jonathan Stickel
- [vox-tech] xorg X11R6.7.0
Jonathan Stickel
- [vox-tech] Help please DSL on Debian Libranet
Jonathan Stickel
- [vox-tech] USB mouse moves too fast with custom 2.6.5 kernel
Jonathan Stickel
- testing packages in gentoo (was Re: [vox-tech] xorg X11R6.7.0)
Jonathan Stickel
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Jonathan Stickel
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Jonathan Stickel
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Jonathan Stickel
- [vox-tech] ssh with X11 remote
Jonathan Stickel
- [vox-tech] ssh with X11 remote - resolved
Jonathan Stickel
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Jonathan Stickel
- [vox-tech] emergency: please help. /lib keeps disappearing
Jonathan Stickel
- recommended kernel char sets (was Re: [vox-tech] Removing Files [SOLVED])
Jonathan Stickel
- [vox-tech] Password Security...
Mark Street
- [vox-tech] Password Security...
Mark Street
- [vox-tech] compile 2.6.5 kernel Debian style, get unbootable system
Issac Trotts
- [vox-tech] Compile 2.6.5 kernel Debian-style, get unbootable system
Issac Trotts
- [vox-tech] Compile 2.6.5 kernel Debian-style, get unbootable system
Issac Trotts
- [vox-tech] Compile 2.6.5 kernel Debian-style, get unbootable system
Issac Trotts
- [vox-tech] Compile 2.6.5 kernel Debian-style, get unbootable system
Issac Trotts
- [vox-tech] Compile 2.6.5 kernel Debian-style, get unbootable system
Issac Trotts
- [vox-tech] Compile 2.6.5 kernel Debian-style, get unbootable system
Issac Trotts
- [vox-tech] USB mouse moves too fast with custom 2.6.5 kernel
Issac Trotts
- [vox-tech] USB mouse moves too fast with custom 2.6.5 kernel
Issac Trotts
- [vox-tech] vim leaves # comments at beginning of line when indenting
Issac Trotts
- [vox-tech] vim leaves # comments at beginning of line when indenting
Issac Trotts
- [vox-tech] emergency: please help. /lib keeps disappearing
Issac Trotts
- [vox-tech] emergency: please help. /lib keeps disappearing
Issac Trotts
- [vox-tech] data recovery via linux (Lost Permissions)
Hans W. Uhlig
- [vox-tech] Re: [vox-if] [rsvp-May15] Mandrake 9.2 + WinXP; trying to install Fedora Core on Virtual PC
Jan W
- [vox-tech] Has anyone done cartography on Linux?
Jan W
- [vox-tech] VMWare workstation version 4 for windows
Jan W
- [vox-tech] Success with fltk and SDL_image
Jan W
- [vox-tech] Success with fltk and SDL_image
Jan W
- [vox-tech] Success with fltk and SDL_image
Jan W
- [vox-tech] [OT] windows XP CD won't boot
Jan W
- [vox-tech] fltk + SDL and questions about handling events
Jan W
- [vox-tech] fltk + SDL and questions about handling events
Jan W
- [vox-tech] Removing Files
Jan W
- [vox-tech] Locales and installed languages/charsets (in C)
Jan W
- [vox-tech] Re: [vox-if] [rsvp-May15] Mandrake 9.2 + WinXP; trying to install Fedora Core on Virtual PC
Michael Wenk
- [vox-tech] Re: [vox-if] [rsvp-May15] Mandrake 9.2 + WinXP; trying to install Fedora Core on Virtual PC
Michael J Wenk
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Bruce Wolk
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Bruce Wolk
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Bruce Wolk
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Bruce Wolk
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Bruce Wolk
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Bruce Wolk
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Bruce Wolk
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Bruce Wolk
- [vox-tech] Gentoo printer font problem
Bruce Wolk
- [vox-tech] emergency: please help. /lib keeps disappearing
Bruce Wolk
- [vox-tech] Compile 2.6.5 kernel Debian-style, get unbootable system
- [vox-tech] Has anyone done cartography on Linux?
- [vox-tech] Has anyone done cartography on Linux?
- [vox-tech] [OT] windows XP CD won't boot
- [vox-tech] [OT] windows XP CD won't boot
- [vox-tech] [OT] windows XP CD won't boot
- [vox-tech] [OT] windows XP CD won't boot
- [vox-tech] Has anyone done cartography on Linux?
- [vox-tech] data recovery via linux
- [vox-tech] data recovery via linux
- [vox-tech] MySQL: convert char to string [fixed]
- [vox-tech] oracle -> MySQL conversion
- [vox-tech] Kernel upgrade from Sarge (fresh install) 2.4.25 -> 2.6.3 or 5
- [vox-tech] Kernel upgrade from Sarge (fresh install) 2.4.25 -> 2.6.3 or 5
- [vox-tech] Kernel upgrade from Sarge (fresh install) 2.4.25 -> 2.6.3 or 5
- [vox-tech] Kernel upgrade from Sarge (fresh install) 2.4.25 -> 2.6.3 or 5
- [vox-tech] Remove a filesystem
- [vox-tech] Remove a filesystem
- [vox-tech] Remove a filesystem
- [vox-tech] Setting up raid, SET_ARRAY_INFO failed for /dev/md0: File exists
- [vox-tech] Compile 2.6.5 kernel Debian-style, get unbootable system
- [vox-tech] Compile 2.6.5 kernel Debian-style, get unbootable system
- [vox-tech] Hardware Recommendations?
- [vox-tech] sarge install broken
- [vox-tech] surprises: xmms and opterons
- [vox-tech] regex to detect a range of numbers
- [vox-tech] re: Removing Files
- [vox-tech] swap on raid 1 doesn't stick after reboot
- [vox-tech] swap on raid 1 doesn't stick after reboot
- [vox-tech] swap on raid 1 doesn't stick after reboot
- [vox-tech] swap on raid 1 doesn't stick after reboot
- [vox-tech] Building a big kernel verses one that uses modules
- [vox-tech] Building a big kernel verses one that uses modules
Last message date:
Sat May 29 18:40:15 2004
Archived on: Sat Jun 5 20:25:04 2004
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.05 (Mailman edition).