[vox-tech] mutt config question

Bryan Richter vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 3 May 2004 15:12:24 -0700


I finally sat down with the mutt and muttrc manuals, and I am much
happier with the current setup. There are still two things I can't
figure out, however, so I was hoping somebody here could. :)

1. When I open a spool file, I would like all threads to be collapsed.
    The best thing I could think of doing is some sort of 

    <?>-hook '.' 'exec collapse-all',

    but none of the hooks seem to work. I could also just type <esc>V,
    but it would be more fun if it was automatic. ;)

2. The second problem is an older one that I've asked about before, so I
    won't say too much about it. I'm mainly interested in figuring out
    the first thing, since it can't be _that_ hard. :) For the record,
    though, mutt still can't handle my certificate file. Each time I
    connect to my school account it asks me to accept the certificate,
    and if I've already chosen the "always accept" option once, choosing
    it again creates a "cannot save certificate" error.

