[vox-tech] mutt config question

Matt Roper vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 3 May 2004 15:24:03 -0700

On Mon, May 03, 2004 at 03:12:24PM -0700, Bryan Richter wrote:
> 1. When I open a spool file, I would like all threads to be collapsed.
>     The best thing I could think of doing is some sort of 
>     <?>-hook '.' 'exec collapse-all',
>     but none of the hooks seem to work. I could also just type <esc>V,
>     but it would be more fun if it was automatic. ;)

Try this:

    folder-hook  .   exec collapse-all

That works for me.

Not sure about your certificate problems though...



* Matt Roper <matt@mattrope.com>                *
* http://www.mattrope.com                       *
* PGP Key: http://www.mattrope.com/mattrope.asc *