[vox-tech] fltk + SDL and questions about handling events
Jan W
Tue, 18 May 2004 19:26:45 -0700 (PDT)
Hi all:
I have a question about events structs with fltk and SDL:
here's the guts of my main function:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// I have two functions defined to handle events:
//and I have SDL_Event *sdlevent pointer defined
// To allow fltk to share events with SDL, instead of then
// going into fl::run(), I made a custom event loop:
while(fl::check()) {
if (SDL_PollEvent(&sdlevent))
The only thing left out is that i copy sdlevent.key.keysym.sym to my local key
char variable, and my other matching events (Shift, control, mouseclick) into
the FL equivalents such that they will fall into points in the switch{} in the
global event handler, my_event_handler. It works nicely now, with multiple
windows all sharing events...
I know that fltk stores its event in static structures, and that SDL uses a
completely different model to handle events (FL::event() is an integer,
SDL_PollEvent fills the struct SDL_Event with current event data). In fltk,
the event structures are defined when they are created, and fl::run() passes
the current events onto the ones defined (callbacks for button clicks, etc).
That's why I substitute the call from run to check, because check() just the
checks the queue once, not looping forever. This gives me a chance to call
PollEvent, and thus checking the two queues using the same event loop.
My question is this: is this a good way to do it? Has anyone had experience
with handling events from multiple windows/libraries/event structs? I just
need my code to be cross platform portable and reliable (i haven't tried it on
anything beside x86 linux)...
Any other tips or tricks?
--thanks in advance
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