Yolo Library Donation
It was brought to our attention by member Jessica Leudtke that the
Yolo County Library
(which has a branch in Davis on 14th St.)
is sorely lacking in books about Unix and Linux.
We spoke with Jay Johnstone of the library to
discuss how we can help out.
In September 2000, Jay said:
Thanks for your interest. As you know, computer books are expensive. We
have just ordered one more of each on Unix and Linux, probably at your
suggestion! I hope they last. We have experienced a high loss rate on
computer manuals.
Please continue to donate any used books you have. We will either put them
into the collection or they go into the booksale to generate funds to buy
new stuff.
Please consider raising money from your group to buy new books to
donateto the library. We will put a bookplate in each copy crediting
the donor. Donations by individuals or businesses are tax deductable, by the
way. You can get a receipt at the circulation desk.
We would welcome a list of recommended purchases. If you submit a list, we
can work together to make it a goal to get them one way or another.
October 16, followup:
The library would prefer items that are already cataloged by Library of
Congress (CIP data on the verso) so that we can grab the cataloging
electronically. We also prefer bindings that can take a shelf label:
paperbacks are OK, but comb bindings and spiral bindings are difficult to
Book Publisher Donations:
We also decided to contact book publishers to see if they'd be interested in
donating new books directly to the library.
We contacted New
Riders, O'Reilly's Library
Sales Division, and a sales representative from the
Coriolis Group.
On September 29th, Susan Petro from New Riders stated they'd be able to
donate titles of our choosing to the library.
Books which New Riders publishes that we picked
for donation to the library include:
- Linux / Unix
- Open Source
- Networking Technologies
Books marked with "*" are ones which we got
two copies of.
At October 16th's LUGOD meeting, Tom Mayer of Coriolis offered to donate
books as well. On October 20th, Tom said:

Contact David Henley at nerdbooks.com
and set up a time
to select Coriolis titles for donation. I will replenish David's stock
at no charge.
I enjoyed meeting the LUGOD gang and am happy to coordinate a worthy
donation in cooperation with Nerdbooks.
One October 22nd, LUGOD visited nerdbooks.com and picked out a collection
of Coriolis titles:
On December 12th, Helen Day from O'Reilly and Associates got back
to us (she had been travelling). She said:

To help you out, I went through my personal library and mailed a box of
UNIX titles to the library. The box will arrive from Illinois; it was sent
book rate so give it time. Also, the box was addressed to the library and
to your attention.
I don't remember all the titles I sent so I will attempt to send you title
info on the ones I can remember:
- POSIX Programmer's Guide, April 1991, D. Lewine
- POSIX.4, Jan 1995, B. Gallmeister
- Porting UNIX software, Nov 1995, G. Lehey (I think I sent this one),
- SCO UNIX in a Nutshell, Feb 1194, E. Cutler
- UNIX Power Tools, Aug 1997, J. Peek (I think)
- When You can't find your UNIX Sys Adm, April 1995, L Mui
Donation Event!
On Saturday, October 28th at 11:00am, LUGOD presented the donated
books to the library at the Davis branch on 14th Street.
Photos are available of the
Photos of the LUGOD Display which was
set up in November are also available.
Credit: The book cover image above is based on the typical and well-known
style used by O'Reilly & Associates when publishing their technical
books. Tux the Penguin was, of course, designed by Larry Ewing.