LUGOD Projects
The Linux Users' Group of Davis's core is our monthly
general meetings.
They're free, open to the public, and are a great place to learn about
Linux, computers in general, and meet and network with similarly-minded
However, that's not all we do.
The Linux User Group of Davis works on a number of 'extracurricular' projects,
many of which
are ongoing. Here's a list:
Documents LUGOD Created |
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- UCD HOWTO Documents
Our "UCD Res-Net" and "UCD PPP" documents explain how to get network
connectivity through UC Davis using Linux.
Events LUGOD Holds |
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- Meetings — third Mondays
Obviously, there are our general meetings, which we hold once a month
(in the early years, we met twice a month).
Past meeting minutes are available, as
well as a schedule of upcoming meetings
and a list of talks we're arranging.
- Social gatherings — first Tuesdays
When we stopped holding two general meetings per month, we replaced one
of them with a monthly informal social gathering over dinner.
- Linux Demos — when scheduled
Our LUGOD booth at places like the Farmer's Market, Davis Food Co-Op and
Borders Books and Music are great places to get free Linux-related
items and learn about Linux and LUGOD.
- Installfests — when scheduled
If you want to install or upgrade Linux on your PC and want some high
quality help, these free, monthly, day-long sessions are perfect!
Events we've held in the past, but haven't done for a long time:
- Lunchix
Entirely social and casual. Members often met on a Friday afternoon to
talk tech. over lunch. (Replaced by monthly social gatherings.)
- Geek Swap
August 2003 was our first (and last) "Geek Swap" fundraising swap meet.
- Picn*x - Linux Anniversary
Picnic & Barbecue
LUGOD helped organize this yearly event (held in August in Sunnyvale)
to celebrate the Linux OS's birthday.
- Linux Classes
We occasionally held introductory Linux classes with DCN.
Events LUGOD Attends / Has Attended |
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- Whole Earth Festival
We enjoy participating in the yearly WEF at UC Davis, when possible.
(So far, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2008!)
- Software Freedom Day
LUGOD has held hands-on Linux demos as part of the
international Software
Freedom Day (which takes place annually, on the third Saturday in
September). (So far, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2010.)
Other events we've participated in, but not very recently:
- O'Reilly Open Source Convention
LUGOD shared a multi-LUG booth at OSCON in San Jose in 2009.
(Sadly, it moved back to Portland, Oregon starting in 2010.)
- Yolo County Child Development Conference
LUGOD was at the 2008 Child Development Conference in Davis.
- Government Technology Conference
We've exhibited at the annual GTC West in Sacramento.
(So far, 2003 and 2004.)
- LinuxWorld Expo
LUGOD has had, or shared, a booth at the LWEs in San&nbp;Francisco.
(So far, 2003, 2004 and 2007.)
- Society for Technical Communication Events
LUGOD attended the 2003 "Writers in the Workplace" conference in Sacramento,
and was going to attend the larger Region 8 conference at UC Davis
in 2004 (which was sadly cancelled).
- Information Security Conference
LUGOD had a booth at InfoSeCon 2003, and will go in the future,
if invited!
- California 4-H Statewide Leadership Conference
LUGOD has presented a number of times, at their yearly leadership
conference held at UC Davis.
(So far, 2002 and 2003.)
Organizations LUGOD Works or Has Worked With |
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- Davis Community Meals
A non-profit, non-denominational volunteer organization whose purpose
is to provide low-incoming individuals food, shelter and other
services in a community setting. LUGOD is hoping to help DCM with
hardware, software and support.
- Davis Community Network
We helped refurbish computers, and have held public "Introductory
Linux" classes with DCN. We also helped put together some Linux-based
public access terminals (kiosks) run my DCN and Omsoft.
- Davis High School
We helped set up systems and get computers donated to DHS.
- Yolo County Library
We'd helped get over $1500 worth of Unix and Linux books donated to the
Davis Public Library.
- CSU Bakersfield Computer Science Department
When we ended our lending library, we donated a large collection of books
to CSU Bakersfield.
Sub-Groups in LUGOD |
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Defunct groups that were part of LUGOD: