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Recent LUGOD News

WEF application submitted!
Posted 2007-04-01 11:30:00
Nick Schmalenberger has offered to organize LUGOD's booth at WEF this year, has submitted our exhibitor application, and has offered use of his truck to help move supplies to and from campus for this event. More volunteers are needed, so please let us know if you can help by posting a note to 'vox-outreach'.


GTC and WEF updates
Posted 2007-03-26 01:35:00
Along with the Government Technology Conference, LUGOD is also hoping to attend the Whole Earth Festival at UC Davis in May. To that end, some new information has been posted to our WEF project page (as well as to the GTC project page).

A volunteer is needed immediately to coordinate our presence at WEF, as the deadline to apply as an educational exhibitor is April 1st!


LUGOD at GTC: Plans underway
Posted 2007-03-26 00:05:00
Siva Prasad, Govind Tatachari and Subramaniyam Pooni have offered to help organize a LUGOD presence at this year's Government Technology Conference in Sacramento in May. If you'd like to help organize or volunteer for the event, post a note to our 'vox-outreach' mailing list.


March Installfest scheduled
Posted 2007-03-11 12:00:00
This month's free Linux 'Installfest' workshop will take place at UC Davis on Saturday, March 31st. Sign up if you'd like to attend, or contact if@lugod.org if you'd like to help volunteer.


Ingres at LUGOD, at UC Davis
Posted 2007-03-08 13:10:00
Thanks to Laine Walker-Avina, LUGOD will be able to meet at Kemper Hall at UC Davis for our March 19th meeting, which features Ingres Corp.


Local and Bay Area events this week
Posted 2007-03-03 07:00:00
In the Davis area, LUGOD has a social gathering on Monday and SacLUG will have a talk on various virtual machines on Thursday. In Mountain View, EFF will talk about "DRM as a threat to Free Software" at SVLUG on Wednesday, and the fourth FLOSS Usability Sprint will take place at Google from Friday through Sunday.


Installfest canceled
Posted 2007-02-15 11:30:00
This Sunday's Installfest was canceled, since only one person RSVPed so far. A small one-on-one will probably take place at Muir Commons, per this thread on 'vox-if'.


Numerous Job Postings
Posted 2007-02-09 13:25:00
Eight new jobs have been posted to the Jobs page, and a few others were posted to our job mailing list, vox-jobs. Most are in the Bay Area. If you have a job you'd like posted, contact the webmaster.


Upcoming February Events
Posted 2007-02-07 11:00:00
Later this month, LUGOD will be holding anoter free, day-long Linux Installfest workshop at UC Davis (on Sunday, February 18th). The follow day, Seth Duffey from the City of Davis will return to LUGOD, this time to talk about Creating Accessible Websites — 6:30pm on Monday the 19th, at the Davis Public Library.


Installfest Volunteers Needed!
Posted 2007-01-19 12:20:00
Our first Installfest workshop of the year is tomorrow, and we have over a half-dozen people signed up for the morning slots. Please help out if you can! Contact if@lugod.org to let the coordinators know you can make it, or if you have questions. Thanks!


Meeting venue needed for March presentation
Posted 2007-01-16 23:30:00
Ingres Corporation will be joining us at our March 19th meeting, and we're unable to meet at our typical venue, the Davis Public Library. If you can help find an alternative location for this event, please contact us.


Flyers for 8th birthday meeting and January Installfest
Posted 2007-01-09 01:15:00
Printable flyers for this month's LUGOD events: 8th birthday meeting and Installfest workshop, are now available. Please consider printing and posting them!


8th Anniversary Meeting
Posted 2007-01-09 01:10:00
Brian Lavender, founder of the Sacramento Linux Users Group, will be discussing IMAP (the Internet Message Access Protocol) and system mirroring using rsync at our next meeting: Monday, January 15th. This meeting also marks LUGOD's 8th birthday, and we hope to celebrate with free snacks and cake!


Continued call for speakers
Posted 2007-01-03 12:15:00
LUGOD is still looking for speakers for our 2007 meetings. If you're interested in speaking at LUGOD, please contact our public relations officer, Bill Kendrick. (Check our meeting subject wishlist for topic ideas.)


Mailing list cleanups
Posted 2006-12-30 20:05:00
Rod Roark, who maintains LUGOD's web- and mail-server, noted that numerous email addresses that are subscribed to our mailing lists were bouncing, so those addresses have been removed. If yours was among them, and you think it was a mistake, contact the webmaster.


Meeting changed to social meeting
Posted 2006-12-18 18:30:00
Tonight's meeting will be a social meeting, to be held at Crepeville, 330 Third Street in Davis. It will begin approximately 6:30 PM. See you there!


Officer nominations
Posted 2006-12-16 12:00:00
Officer nominations close at this Monday's meeting. If you'd like to elect yourself, or someone else, for a LUGOD officer position, please contact typescript.


Congratulations to the Kendrick Family
Posted 2006-12-13 00:00:00
LUGOD's co-founder and super-volunteer Bill Kendrick has just welcomed a new baby into the family. Congratulations from all your friends at LUGOD and best wishes!


Social gathering tonight
Posted 2006-12-05 00:00:00
LUGOD members will meet at Crepeville for a social gathering tonight at 6:30pm.


Call for speakers
Posted 2006-11-26 00:50:00
LUGOD is looking for speakers for our 2007 meetings. If you're interested in speaking at LUGOD, please contact our public relations officer, Bill Kendrick. (Check our meeting subject wishlist for topic ideas.)


IPv6 slides available
Posted 2006-11-24 11:50:00
Slides from this week's talk on 'IPv6 under Linux' are now available (PDF). Enjoy!


December Installfest
Posted 2006-11-22 14:00:00
We're planning to hold an Installfest workshop on Saturday, December 2nd. 10am to 6pm at UC Davis. Be sure to register if you'd like to attend! Volunteers are always welcome, too.


Officer nominations extended
Posted 2006-11-21 12:35:00
At last night's meeting, nominations for LUGOD officers was extended through to the next general meeting (December 18th). If you'd like to nominate yourself or another for our officer positions, send a message to typescript@lugod.org.


IPv6 talk tonight
Posted 2006-11-20 00:20:00
"IPv6 in Linux" will be presented at tonight's meeting. Note the special location: SoliSys on Second street, east of downtown. Also, officer nominations end, and elections begin!


Officer nominations open tonight
Posted 2006-11-07 17:10:00
As per our bylaws, nominations for elected officers begin at tonight's meeting. Send your nominations to the secretary. (You may nominate yourself.) Nominations close at our next meeting, when elections begin. Elections end before the December 5th meeting.


Social gathering moved to Crepeville
Posted 2006-11-06 11:20:00
Tomorrow's social gathering has been moved to Crepeville (3rd and C streets in downtown Davis).


Latest jobs on our front page
Posted 2006-11-03 11:25:00
The most recent additions to our Linux jobs page are now visible on the front page of LUGOD.org. Enjoy!


LUGOD article in Linux User and Developer Magazine
Posted 2006-11-01 09:40:00
This month (issue 66), the UK Linux magazine Linux User and Developer includes an article about the Linux Users' Group of Davis! You can purchase a copy for download from HME Publishing, or check a local bookstore or magazine stand to see if they carry it yet.


Installfest report
Posted 2006-10-23 19:15:00
Volunteer Alex Mandel was kind enough to report on this weekend's Installfest. Thanks to IF coordinators Chris McKenzie and Seth Nagao, and all the volunteers who helped make this a successful event!


Reminder: Installfest this Saturday
Posted 2006-10-18 17:55:00
Don't forget to RSVP for this Saturday's free Installfest workshop!


Postfix slides available
Posted 2006-10-17 16:35:00
Slides from Monday's talk on Postfix are now online (221KB PDF). Enjoy!


Postfix talk on Monday
Posted 2006-10-16 00:00:00
Rod Roark of Sunset Systems, who donates web space, email and mailing lists to LUGOD, will be presenting a talk on Postfix, an Open Source mail transfer agent for Linux, at today's LUGOD meeting, at the Davis Public Library.


Free Linux Installfest: October 21st
Posted 2006-10-13 13:50:00

Welcome, UC Davis students! Join us for an installfest!
Free! RSVP today!


October Installfest Flyer
Posted 2006-10-08 12:55:00
A flyer for this month's Installfest is now available, in both PDF and PNG formats.


Intro to Linux class in the works
Posted 2006-10-05 17:20:00
Would you like to help put together an introductory Linux class for the public? Post a note to our 'vox-outreach' mailing list!


Social gathering tonight; Installfest on the 21st
Posted 2006-10-03 16:55:00
LUGOD meets tonight at the Delta of Venus cafe for a social gathering. Also, sign up now for our free Installfest workshop later this month. Or, if you'd like to help volunteer at that event, contact the IF coordinators or post a message to our 'vox-if' mailing list.


LUGOD meets tonight: "Bento Solutions"
Posted 2006-09-18 10:20:00
John Miche of Bento Solutions will be speaking at tonight's LUGOD meeting -- 6:30pm at the Davis Public Library.


Photos from Software Freedom Day
Posted 2006-09-17 11:30:00
Photos of our Software Freedom Day Linux demo booth at this weekend's Farmer's Market are are now online. Enjoy!


Linux demo at Farmer's Market tomorrow!
Posted 2006-09-15 14:20:00
LUGOD members Jimbo and Tim Riley plan to head to Baker's Square in Davis (near Central Park) for breakfast at 6:00am tomorrow, and then head over to the Farmer's Market to set up LUGOD's booth for our demo for Software Freedom Day. (For more, see this month's archive of our 'vox-outreach' mailing list.


Add LUGOD meetings to Yahoo! Calendar
Posted 2006-09-13 15:00:00
You can now also add LUGOD meetings to your Yahoo! Calendar!


Events calendar available in iCalendar format
Posted 2006-09-13 11:00:00
Mozilla, KOrganizer, Evolution, Outlook, and Apple iCal users can now download (or subscribe to) our events calendar. You can choose either all upcoming events, or only LUGOD events. (We plan to also add links to single event iCalendar files elsewhere around our site.) Enjoy!


Help needed for Software Freedom Day demo
Posted 2006-09-05 14:30:00
Jimbo from LUGOD is looking for help getting his PC set up as a demonstration system for LUGOD's hands-on Linux demo (on Software Freedom Day, Saturday, September 16th). We'll also need volunteers to help set up, staff, and break down our booth at the Davis Farmer's Market. Let him know if you can give him a hand!


LUGOD social gathering tonight
Posted 2006-09-05 14:25:00
LUGOD members meet at the Delta of Venus cafe in downtown Davis for a social gathering. (This event coincides with tonight's Davis Hacking Society meeting, also at Delta.)


Flyer for Software Freedom Day
Posted 2006-08-31 12:15:00
We've created a flyer advertising LUGOD's hands-on Linux demo in September (for Software Freedom Day). Please print and distribute, thanks!


Linux enthusiasts want to 'Meetup'
Posted 2006-08-31 00:50:00
Meetup.com shows that nearly 40 people near Davis are looking to meet up. (Apparently, they didn't find LUGOD, SacLUG or RoseLUG yet!) Meetup is looking for someone to start a group (but unfortunately they charge for the privelege.) Holding Linux Meetups that coincide with LUGOD's monthly social gatherings might be a good idea.


Add LUGOD meetings to Google Calendar
Posted 2006-08-30 19:50:00
You can now add LUGOD meetings to your Google Calendar! (We hope to soon add other kinds of events, as well as provide events in iCal format.)


SFD Demo Location
Posted 2006-08-30 11:00:00
We've gotten word that the Davis Food Co-Op's demo kitchen is booked on Sept. 16th, so we're looking for an alternative location for our Linux demo. (Perhaps the Davis Farmers Market, once again?) If you have suggestions for a high-traffic venue, let us know!


Sept. Speaker and Demo Organizer Found!
Posted 2006-08-30 10:45:00
John Miché from Bento Solutions has offered to speak at our Sept. 18th meeting, and Jimbo from LUGOD has offered to organize a demo for Software Freedom Day on Sept. 16th. (Let him know if you'd like to help volunteer at the demo!) Thanks to both!


Organizer and volunteers needed
Posted 2006-08-29 14:10:00
LUGOD is hoping to hold a hands-on Linux demo and software give-away on Saturday, September 16th, as part of Software Freedom Day 2006. Club president Henry House has been looking into putting this event together, but has been busy with work.

If you can help us organize this event, or if you simply want to help volunteer for an hour or two during the demo (answering questions, giving out discs and flyers, setting up, or breaking down), let Henry know, or post a message to our 'vox-outreach' mailing list.


Speaker needed for September LUGOD
Posted 2006-08-25 19:25:00
We're currently looking for a speaker for our Monday, September 18th meeting. Contact Bill Kendrick if you'd like to talk, or suggest someone who might.


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Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
O'Reilly and Associates
For numerous book donations.