I've made the slides available from my Wget talk here in PDF form. You
can also get the OpenOffice "Impress" file here, but note that it uses
non-standard/non-free fonts, so most likely won't display properly
for you.
As part of my talk, I also used some recorded terminal
sessions demonstrating wget usage, including prompts
to wait for keypresses. I created these sessions using GNU Teseq (a project I wrote
for debugging terminal sessions); but the sessions were then edited by
hand and played using a specially-modified version of the reseq program
(part of the Teseq project); those changes have not yet been pushed to
the development sources. When I have time, I'll push the final changes
to the official development sources at savannah.gnu.org, and then make
the automated terminal demos available as well.
Please note that full documentation on wget can be had at