[vox] The future of LUGOD

Brian E. Lavender brian at brie.com
Mon Nov 14 15:38:10 PST 2016

You mean is it towel time? I say throw in the towel and have a
big party to celebrate the end! We worked hard. Time to rest.

On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 12:38:03PM -0800, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> Right now it's LUGOD club officer election season, and we're
> accepting nominations for our four elected positions.
> I'm strongly considering NOT running for any positions this
> time around, as it's looking very likely that I'll be moving
> out of the area next summer.
> I'm concerned, since I take it upon myself to do a lot of
> work for the club, that I'll leave a vacuum in my place
> which could adversely affect the club.  We obviously don't
> want that!
> Furthermore, even now, I've not had as much time (or in some
> cases, not had the energy or inclincation) to do some of the
> things necessary for the club.  I've been terrible at putting
> meeting minutes up on the website (and have been bad at
> asking for help), and have been struggling to work on finding
> guest speakers.  Doing that kind of stuff for a good portion
> of the past ~16-17 years has admittedly gotten a bit tiresome.
> The club needs help right now, so I encourage people to please
> consider running for officer positions.  It'd be revitalizing,
> I think, to actually hold elections _with voting_ for once.
> So many past elections have been situations where only one
> person was nominated for each position (if that!), so we've
> accepted them after a simple 'call for objections' at the
> meeting.
> LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit, with a somewhat active
> membership, and I think we can thrive if energetic people
> take part in running the club again.
> That's my 2c, (and, uh, I guess a kind of warning? :) )
> With that, I need to hurry up and find a guest speaker/topic
> for next week's meeting! :^(
> -- 
> -bill!
> Sent from my computer
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Brian Lavender

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Professor C. A. R. Hoare
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