[vox] How to fix Google Chrome browser apt sources.list entry

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Mar 17 01:26:22 PDT 2016

Quoting Mark's tech help (markindavis at hush.com):

> Pretty sure I'll go with Chromium--  my understanding is that it's
> completely open source, & Community-maintained, yes?  Whereas Goog,
> OTOH, has always troubled me some wrt to their status as
> megaconglomerating megacorporation, etc..

Chromium's completely open source, _but_ last I heard the 'community
maintained' bit was very much not true.  My recollection is that it's
100% internally produced -- and also its architecture is totally under
the control of Google, Inc. (whose business model is as you suggest
somewhat at odds with user interest).

Cynics are tempted to see a connection that fact and the fact that
Chromium implementations of things like NoScript have historically been
less effective.

Of course, the funding model for Mozilla Corporation raises some of the
same questions, but not to the same degree.

Noted without comment: this new thing, expected to be available for
testing in June:

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