[vox] Next Monday's anniversary meeting

Brian Lavender brian at brie.com
Fri Jan 15 14:55:49 PST 2010

See, I knew the republic of Davis had something going for it. It must
be the reason there is a bridge across the causeway!

Should I bring my hookah to the meeting?

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 02:06:02PM -0800, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> So some random facts about next Monday's anniversary meeting:
> * A few flyers have been posted -- sorry I did not post more;
>   if you'd like to post something last-minute, please grab
>   the PDF from http://www.lugod.org/documents/flyers/
> * I talked about the meeting on Dr. Andy's Poetry & Tech. Hour
>   on KDVS in Davis this Wednesday, and talked about it on
>   Insight on Capital Public Radio (KXJZ) with Margo S. from LUGOD
>   this morning.  (Podcast coming soon!)
> * An anonymous $100 donation has been offered to go towards
>   pizza.  Thank you anonymous; you know who you are.
> * Gabriella Engelhard of Vevey Confections has offered to bake
>   a 40-person cake (similar to the one she made last year,
>   which can be seen here: http://lugod.org/photos/2009.01.19/img_1372.jpg )
>   Thank you, Gabriella!
> * I visted the Vet. Mem. Center this afternoon and met with Erik,
>   who showed me the Club Room, and how they plan to set it up:
>   Small table in front for projector, some tables in back for food/etc.,
>   and a lot of chairs in the middle.  They'll supply a screen to
>   project on.  The room will be configured by 6:30pm.
> * Get to the Club Room, from the entrance (E 14th St.) by:
>   1. enter the building, walk straight through the entry way
>   2. go back outside through the door directly in front of you, turn right
>   3. follow walkway, turn left; Club Room is on the right
>   Never fear: THERE WILL BE STAFF THERE to help direct you.
>   I'll also print some signs and hopefully they'll let us post them.
> * I am still waiting to figure out how we'll get the cake from Gabriella;
>   I also have not called Village Bakery to put the pizza order in
>   (we had 8 last year, which sounds reasonable; it'll cost $120 after tax);
>   Mike S. and Daphne P. will be in town all day Monday, and I believe
>   told my wife that they can help pick up food (e.g., pizza, cake, etc.)
> * We have the room until 9:30pm, which should be plenty of time to
>   wrap up post-meeting.  It's very doubtful we'll head out for
>   food after the meeting, considering we're serving food. :)
> If you'd like to help me set up the LUGOD stuff, feel free to arrive as
> early as 6:30pm.  Thanks and I hope to see you on Monday!
> -- 
> -bill!
> Sent from my computer
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Brian Lavender

"There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make
it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other
way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."

Professor C. A. R. Hoare
The 1980 Turing award lecture

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