[vox] Next Monday's anniversary meeting

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Fri Jan 15 14:06:02 PST 2010

So some random facts about next Monday's anniversary meeting:

* A few flyers have been posted -- sorry I did not post more;
  if you'd like to post something last-minute, please grab
  the PDF from http://www.lugod.org/documents/flyers/

* I talked about the meeting on Dr. Andy's Poetry & Tech. Hour
  on KDVS in Davis this Wednesday, and talked about it on
  Insight on Capital Public Radio (KXJZ) with Margo S. from LUGOD
  this morning.  (Podcast coming soon!)

* An anonymous $100 donation has been offered to go towards
  pizza.  Thank you anonymous; you know who you are.

* Gabriella Engelhard of Vevey Confections has offered to bake
  a 40-person cake (similar to the one she made last year,
  which can be seen here: http://lugod.org/photos/2009.01.19/img_1372.jpg )
  Thank you, Gabriella!

* I visted the Vet. Mem. Center this afternoon and met with Erik,
  who showed me the Club Room, and how they plan to set it up:
  Small table in front for projector, some tables in back for food/etc.,
  and a lot of chairs in the middle.  They'll supply a screen to
  project on.  The room will be configured by 6:30pm.

* Get to the Club Room, from the entrance (E 14th St.) by:
  1. enter the building, walk straight through the entry way
  2. go back outside through the door directly in front of you, turn right
  3. follow walkway, turn left; Club Room is on the right
  Never fear: THERE WILL BE STAFF THERE to help direct you.
  I'll also print some signs and hopefully they'll let us post them.

* I am still waiting to figure out how we'll get the cake from Gabriella;
  I also have not called Village Bakery to put the pizza order in
  (we had 8 last year, which sounds reasonable; it'll cost $120 after tax);
  Mike S. and Daphne P. will be in town all day Monday, and I believe
  told my wife that they can help pick up food (e.g., pizza, cake, etc.)

* We have the room until 9:30pm, which should be plenty of time to
  wrap up post-meeting.  It's very doubtful we'll head out for
  food after the meeting, considering we're serving food. :)

If you'd like to help me set up the LUGOD stuff, feel free to arrive as
early as 6:30pm.  Thanks and I hope to see you on Monday!

Sent from my computer

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