[vox] [Semi-OT] Coworking

Bill Ward bill at wards.net
Tue Jan 27 12:01:38 PST 2009

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Gandalf  Parker <gandalf at any1can.net> wrote:
>> would.  I've never heard the phrase "hopelessly paladin" before, and
>> it doesn't line up with any definition of "paladin" that I'm aware of.
>>  But then, my experience with paladins is primarily in World of
>> Warcraft.
> My family came up with it. Its a DnD reference.
> Lawful Good even when its stupid to do so.
> Honest when its not a good idea.
> Believes in honor and vows and promises that no one in the real world would hold him to.
> They say it now under their breath as a hint that I should shut up and let someone else answer questions who isnt so honorly restricted.

Ah, I see.  Yes, that makes sense.

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