[vox] Dual Head Kiosk (of sorts)

John McDonnell johnmc.org at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 09:39:45 PST 2009

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 06:25, Gandalf  Parker <gandalf at any1can.net> wrote:
> One of my quotes:
> "Dont use Linux if you want to ask a guestion and get an answer.
> Use linux if you like asking a question and getting 100 answers on 100 different ways of doing it."

Oh how true. The great thing is that somewhere in that 100 answers,
usually the perfect answer reveals itself.

> Im the low-tech guy in this group but:
> dont most browser accept an initial URL on the command line?
> If not then you can always make it the startup page.

This would be fine in some locations - a single display being fed by a
single client. The difficulty comes from the dual head clients. They
both have to be able to display pages independently of each other.

> Is it JUST info or is it something fancier and more eye-catching? If its just info you might go with something lower tech and save
> some headaches. Maybe Gopher and SGML instead of HTML. Or maybe use INFO.

It needs to be HTML. The application is digital signage at an airport,
so it needs to display flight information and full screen signs in the
form of custom web pages.

> Do the two browsers need to be cross-conversing? You could setup a cgi on one that would update a short-refresh page that
> the other one is looking at.

They should all be independent and able to stand on their own. The
"man behind the curtain" should be as invisible as possible.

Thanks again for all the help.

 http://johnmc.net | johnmc.org at gmail.com

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