[vox] Dual Head Kiosk (of sorts)

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Wed Feb 25 14:30:26 PST 2009

Note: This is probably a better question for vox-tech (versus vox).

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 09:39:45AM -0800, John McDonnell wrote:
> It needs to be HTML. The application is digital signage at an airport,
> so it needs to display flight information and full screen signs in the
> form of custom web pages.

Are the general public going to interact with it?  If not, then you've
kept from opening a can of worms. :)

In the past, I've used KDE's kiosk mode (this was in KDE 3 -- don't know
what's possible in the new KDE 4).  Others have used Firefox (see the
kiosks at the Davis Food Co-Op), which might be a better way to go, if
all you're providing is a browser.

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