[vox] Daylight Savings Time

David T. Harris blueninja83 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 5 17:53:02 PST 2007

                          Recently Congress has made a
change to the Daylight Savings Time start and end
Due to this change the software that handles          
time changes has to updated for various               
computerized devices (desktops, laptops,              
pda's, etc...).                                       
Here's a site that lists what you may need to         
do with your Linux or FreeBSD OS:                     


If you have an up to date distribution 
you should be fine, but if not, then
you might want to read this.  
Be certain to read the comments, though BEFORE doing  
anything, because:                                    
1. The file to get from the ftp site for the "manual" 
way is incorrect,                                     
2. The order of the commandline arguments to          
ln -fs is incorrect.                                  
/*It should be ln -fs <fileToLink> <nameOfLink>  */   
Both comments on the website address the corrections
for these :). 

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