[vox] re: linux recommendation

Cylar Z cylarz at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 5 18:45:29 PST 2007

I noticed that most posters, true to prediction,
favored Ubuntu/Kubuntu as the preferred flavor of
Linux for the original poster's mother. As I
understand it, the only difference between those two
is that one uses Gnome and the other KDE, for the GUI.

I was wondering - why didn't anyone mention Fedora
Core from Red Hat? To my way of thinking, this one at
least has the advantage of brand-name recognition
among Linux users and therefore some of the best
support among user groups. (Am I wrong?) This seems
like it would be an advantage.

FC is by any yardstick a "mainstream" or "major"
distribution, though admittedly it probably has a
greater foothold in the server environment than the
desktop one. Nonetheless, a question to the (K)Ubuntu
users - is there any advantage to your distro over
Fedora? (And yes...I've used all three and happen to
like FC best, though admittedly I use it for my
server, not an everyday desktop OS.)

Your thoughts?

Thanks, Matt

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