[vox] SuSE Bloat

Marc Hasbrouck m_hasbrouck at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 5 19:20:09 PST 2006

As a user of both Open Suse and Fedora Core, I figured
I'd make a few comments. 

It is the GUI that's a RAM hog as others have said.
You can turn off services you don't need and that will
help. If you don't need a fancy GUI, Fedora can be
installed with a light weight window manager. I don't
recall if Open Suse ships with one. Suse's default
desktop is KDE, while Fedora's is GNOME. Either GUI
are going to need some RAM. If you're not doing video
or image editing, no big deal on the RAM. Things will
be just a bit slow. 

As for installation, both do a good job on being easy.
I think an average computer user can install either.
Knowing what to do beyond web browsing, email and Open
Office will take more knowledge, but how many Windows
users take full advantage of their system? I do prefer
Suse's YAST management system, but Fedora/Redhat works
rather well once you find where all the options are.
YAST puts them all in one place.

As a comparison to Debian and the others that are not
corparate sponsered, I can't really speak to that. 

One thing to note about Novell Suse, is that Novell is
bolting its Netware features and services on to it.
They have chosen to do the system adminstration on an
Apache/Perl/Java stack. So, they'll still need a bunch
of RAM even it they don't run a GUI at the console.

A disclaimer, I do work for a Netware shop, so I need
to know Suse. Native Netware looks like it's on it way

Marc Hasbrouck

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