[vox] Grandma's Distro

Karsten M. Self kmself at ix.netcom.com
Mon May 2 01:57:33 PDT 2005

on Sun, May 01, 2005 at 10:37:02PM -0700, Richard Crawford (rscrawford at mossroot.com) wrote:
> On Sunday 01 May 2005 20:32, Rod Roark wrote:
> > I'll second the recommendation for Ubuntu. ??It "just works",
> > is completely free, and gets regular updates.
> >
> > I'm less enthusiastic about Kubuntu which I am trying on my
> > own desktop and have run into some quirks. Like the Kynaptic
> > package manager which is not nearly as good as Synaptic; and
> > this morning KDE lost its taskbar after I changed monitors.
> I'm looking at Ubuntu and Kubuntu based on these recommendations.  Right now 
> I'm downloading Kubuntu, since I personally prefer KDE over GNOME, so I'll be 
> giving it a try first.

Just enable the "universe" sources in stock Ubuntu.

For the most part, if a package is available for Debian, you can get it
(by hook or crook) in Ubuntu.  Some possible conflicts, though I'm
inclined to think apt will work it out.

The only real delta I've seen is that Ubuntu may be bypassing /
modifying Debian's menu system (provides apps menus for desktops / WMs)
for the primary desktop.  I'm not sure this is the case, just that the
usual "Debian" menu (full listing of all apps installed) doesn't seem to
be present.

I'm not using the system as a matter of course, and got conflicting
information talking with a Canonical employee, so take this with a grain
of salt.  Upshot is that Ubuntu and Debian are exceptionally close
cousins -- I'm mentioning this as one of the _very_ few technical
differences I've even noticed.


Karsten M. Self <kmself at ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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