[vox] Widgets and window managers (was on vox-tech: IDE cdrw/dvdrw
Mark K. Kim
Fri, 2 Apr 2004 11:03:01 -0800 (PST)
Let the morning rambling begin...
On Fri, 2 Apr 2004, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> however, i have a confession to make. i liked GNOME (although i would
> never use GNOME) because IMHO, gtk is MUCH prettier than qt. actually,
> i *used* to like gtk. the gtk 2.0 widget set is the ugliest thing i've
> ever seen. i installed the development version of gimp on one of my
> systems. within minutes, i kicked that thing off my system and went
> back to gimp 1.2. they call that progress? ick.
Haha... I like the new gimp =) I can't tell the difference between the
new GTK and the old GTK; seems like the new Gimp just uses new icons for
its buttons, though, and I like the new buttons (more colorful =)
> joe arruda had a profound effect on my life: i will be using nothing but
> enlightenment till the day i die. i don't know if he's reading vox
> traffic anymore, but if he is... "joe, thank you for 'enlightening' me".
No comment on the messiness of E code or its bloatedness... -_-'
> on the subjects of widget sets, i have a deep dark secret that i've
> never told anybody but my wife, but now i'm going to let it all hang
> out. i really love microsoft's widget set. it's beautiful, feature
> rich and intuitive. i wish someone would clone it.
Wow... I think the MS widget set is ugly (I think it overuses 3D effects
and has not enough colors). I like the Mac's widget sets (all of 'em --
classic, Platinum, OS X)... and how they "move" when you interact with
them. So elegant! so pretty! =)
> it's really too bad that a) the windows kernels suck so badly, b)
> windows developers are so stupid that they can't break out of the
> "everything must be a GUI paradigm and c) the design of the OS is so
> flawed.
Grab it for Linux!
There was a project that set out to mimic Windows. Forgot what it's
called. They wanted to mimic everything, including the control panel.
Don't know the project URL, though =( I think I found the project
originally via Slashdot.
Mark K. Kim
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