[vox] Re: Everyone knows these lists are archived, right?

ME vox@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 9 Oct 2003 16:18:12 -0700 (PDT)

Dan Willenbring said:
> We dealt with the same thing on the Twin Cities LUG mailing list.  One
> particular person spent years trolling the list, upsetting people, making
> outrageous statements.  They later found out that all this stuff popped up
> when they (or their potential employer/girlfriend/mother/etc) punched
> their name into Google.
> I think it was decided that nothing be removed from the archives.  Doing
> so would open the floodgates for similar such requests.

"Me too." (heh heh)

I agree. It is pure [poetry|karma|fun|satisfaction|justice] when a
person's negative actions deal them future disservice. Certainly, they can
make claims about reasons or excuses, but their actions will likely speak
louder to their character than any words they conjure. If they take the
time to consider the future disservice a learning opportunity, their
future actions may be altered from what they learn.

It is also a great benefit to those people who have a proven track record
for being helpful on lists. I know that the LUGOD and NBLUG lists have
talented people who have been able to provide excllent and useful
information without ego or abuse. I hope that future employers, relatives,
Sig-O, etc who perform searches to find these helpful people are all
pleasantly surpirsed and/or encouraged by what they see of these helpful