[vox] OT Never Winter Nights Client beta 1 available

Peter Jay Salzman vox@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 17:31:17 -0800

begin Michael J Wenk <mwenk@comcast.net> 
> Actually, when you buy it, you're paying for a license to buy the game(both
> windows and linux versions.)

actually, when you buy it, the industry counts it as a "PC sale".   PC
sales in the gaming industry, right now, means windows.

which license you pay for, unfortunately, doesn't mean jack.

actually, you can buy your windows version from tuxgames.  these sales
are not considered "PC sales" but unofficial linux sales.   do a google
for "tuxgames" and "wolfenstein".  you'll find information on that.

however, tuxgames is in england and their shipping and handling rates
are ... sucky.   i was charged nearly 10 dollars shipping for sin.
same shipping for shogo.  :( :( :(

> Its actually pretty fun if you're into
> roleplaying games, and with the toolset(Anyone know if the linux version is
> going to include the toolset as well?) and the # of modules out there, it
> has IMMENSE replayability.
> Before I get the linux version, Im curious:
> 1) Does it still require the windows version installed?  It was a major pita
> to copy over near a GB of data to get the linux server to run properly.

answered here:


> 2) Will the linux version include the toolset?
answered here:



> Mike
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Peter Jay Salzman" <p@dirac.org>
> To: <vox@lists.lugod.org>
> Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 3:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [vox] OT Never Winter Nights Client beta 1 available
> > begin Matthew Johnson <matthew@psychohorse.com>
> > > At last:
> > >
> > > http://nwn.bioware.com/downloads/linuxclient.html
> >
> > huh?  nwn?  wazzat?
> >
> > > Need to have a valid CD key to be able to play it...
> >
> > we have to buy a windows CD to play.  oh goodie.
> >
> > and sign up for a free nwn account to d/l the linux client.
> >
> > it's the first game i've ever seen that lists min disk space to be 1GB!
> > minimum!
> >
> > pete

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