[vox] LUGOD yard sale (was re: [OT] For Sale: WebTV unit)
Peter Jay Salzman
Sun, 22 Jun 2003 17:41:07 -0700
On Sun 22 Jun 03, 5:26 PM, Bill Kendrick <nbs@sonic.net> said:
> <snip my for-sale post about my WebTV unit>
> I just had an idea... I've got some other random stuff I'd kind of like
> to get rid of (a spare mouse that I'd part with for $5 or so; random
> cables I'll never need; some music CDs; etc.)
> Maybe LUGOD members can put together a joint garage sale / yard sale somewhere,
> where pack-rats like myself can purge some of our belongings, and at the same
> time help raise a little money for LUGOD. (Maybe 5% or 10% of proceeds get
> donated)
excellent idea, bill!!! i've got loads of computer equipment, books
and electronics i'd like to unload. that i *have* to unload before
i don't mind donating 100% proceeds to lugod. heck. most of it would
be tossed, recycled or given away anyhow.
might be a good venue to also have that bake sale we've been joking
about for 4 years now... :-)
> Would people be interested? Anyone willing to coordinate something like this
> if there /is/ interest?
i would, but i've been kinda busy lately. :-/ however, i WOULD bake
some brownies. ;-)
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