[vox] Tour of Herakles Data Co-location Facility in Sacramento
Mike Simons
Tue, 10 Jun 2003 19:34:52 -0400
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On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 11:26:02PM -0700, Mark K. Kim wrote:
> I don't see any information on their website about prices or system specs
> (or are you supposed to provide your own U-racks?) Many places I've
> checked out for colo give those information up-front but Herakles doesn't
> seem to. Why is that?
I don't know. I was going to include some pricing information in=20
the announcement, but they wanted to talk to interested parties=20
individually. So I imagine that pricing is either flexable or pricey.
Are you interested in coming on the Tour? You can ask them there
and as long as you don't sign a NDA you can post prices afterwards.
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