[vox-tech] var is full - missing disk space?

Peter Jay Salzman p at dirac.org
Sun Jul 30 13:00:11 PDT 2006

I thought half a GB was enough for /var, but yet it's full:

   /dev/hdb2             581M  540M   11M  99% /var

At the top level:

   19K     backups
   43M     cache
   3.0K    games
   207M    lib
   1.0K    local
   2.0K    lock
   12M     log       <-- deleted old logs.  12MB is reasonable anyhow.
   12K     lost+found
   4.4M    mail
   1.0K    opt
   66K     run
   12M     spool
   2.0K    state
   1.6M    tmp
   156K    www

But this doesn't appear to add up.  Ignoring the "K" directories:

43 + 207 + 12 + 4.4 + 12 + 1.6 = 280MB

There appears to be around 262MB of free space missing, which can't be
accounted for by adding in the "K" directories.

Any ideas what's going on?


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