[vox-tech] Accessing remote screen

John Wojnaroski castle at mminternet.com
Thu Apr 20 09:41:18 PDT 2006

Ryan wrote:

>On Wednesday 19 April 2006 09:56 pm, John Wojnaroski castle-at-mminternet.com 
>|lugod| wrote:
>>I'm using a remote ssh login to a machine with a dual head AGP card and
>>a PCI graphics card driving three monitors.
>>The AGP slot is the primary boot slot and the XF86Config file works just
>>fine and all three monitors come up running X and the window manager.
>>Have no problem starting a graphics program on the two monitors
>>connected to the AGP card with twin view.
>>Question is how do I remotely start a second graphics process on the
>>third monitor connected to the PCI card.  Can do it locally by moving
>>the cursor into window focus and typing in the command.  Just trying to
>>determine how it can be done remotely.
>>Do I need to get the PID of the second window manager? or some other
>>value that identifies the third monitor and associated screen?
>you'll want to change the 'x' in DISPLAY=localhost:10.x to the screen number 
>you want. screens start at 0.
>to display something on the third sting you'd do
>export DISPLAY=localhost:10.2
>or, if you're using bash, you could do
>DISPALY=localhost:10.2 xclock
>to do it for just one command.
Thanks, Ryan, for the reply.

After a bit more work and research, think I'm getting closer and a 
little smarter ;-)

The applications running on the remote machine need to display to the 
local monitors and not back to the remote.  Not sure if I made that 
clear in my initial query, just wanted to be sure we are "on the same page"

Part of the problem is that I can't get the server(s) to run on both 
cards. In the Xserver file there are two entries

:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -layout TwinView
:1 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :1 -layout PCI_CARD

and either can be started with   linux$ startx -- -layout <name> but not 
both.  The XF86Config file seems to be okay, in that when either display 
is started it comes up on the correct card with the proper monitor.  
Would seem to indicate that the layout, screen, and device sections of 
the config file are okay.

Something is missing, misconfigure, or both..  I'll keep digging and 
learning ;-)
Thanks again
John W.

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