[vox-tech] Forwarding SMB through SSH

David Hummel dhml at comcast.net
Wed Apr 6 08:50:16 PDT 2005

On Wed, Apr 06, 2005 at 08:41:09AM -0700, Henry House wrote:
> På onsdag, 06 april 2005, skrev Richard Crawford:
> > On my Solaris server at work, I'm running Samba and sharing the web
> > directory over it so that it can be viewed by the Windows computers
> > at work.  I'd like to be able to access this share via SSH on my
> > Linux computer at home; is this possible?
> > 
> > I've tried:
> > 
> > # ssh -f -L2001:localhost:139 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx sleep 20000
> I think that the sleep command after the arguments to ssh is
> unnecessary.

Right, if all you are doing is forwarding a port, executing a command is
not necessary.  Just use the -N switch to ssh.  Sorry this speaks more
to the ssh part than your actual question.


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