[vox-tech] Re: Forwarding SMB through SSH - RESOLVED

Aaron A. King king at tiem.utk.edu
Wed Apr 6 14:15:34 PDT 2005

Glad this was resolved, but while we're on the subject, I have a question 
that's been bothering me for a bit.  You can mount an SMB filesystem using 
'mount -t smbfs', but I can't seem to get the same functionality using fstab.  
So if I do

$ sudo mount -t smbfs -o 
ip="xxx.xx.xx.xxx",username="XXXX",password="xxxxxx" //EEB1/EEBWeb /mnt/eeb

it works fine.  But if I put the following line in /etc/fstab:

//EEB1/EEBWeb /mnt/eeb smbfs 
ip=xxx.xx.xx.xxx,username="XXXX",password="xxxxxx",user,noauto 0 0

then do

$ mount /mnt/eeb

I just get an error

11927: session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)
SMB connection failed

Does anyone know how to make mount and fstab play with SMB?


On Wednesday 06 April 2005 03:00 pm, vox-tech-request at lists.lugod.org wrote:

| Got it!  Here's the solution, for folks who might be looking for something
| like this from Google:
| as root:
| # ssh -f -N -L 9990:localhost:139 username at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
| username at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx's password:
| Then, also as root:
| # mount -t smbfs -o
| username=username,port=9990 //localhost/<share> /path/to/mountpoint
| A few minor issues of file ownership remain, but I think I can work those
| out pretty easily.

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