[vox-tech] Printing under KDE

Henry House vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 4 Jun 2004 11:48:54 -0700

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P=E5 fredag, 04 juni 2004, skrev Richard Ely:
> No, localhost:631 is not there.   I know it has been there and working=20
> because we used cups to print a document the other night.  How do I insta=
> it?  Probably trashed something trying to get the network to run.

It may be on a different port. Try running 'netstat -lpt' as root and you
will get a listing of all TCP ports that are accepting connections and which
program is listening on each.

> What is the relationship between CUPS and printcap file which I do not se=
> to have.  Don't I need that?

CUPS does not use /etc/printcap at all. (That file is part of lpr, lprng,
and other traditional printing systems, which CUPS is not.) However, some
applications expect /etc/printcap to be there and use information from it.

> BTW: Response,  Not my idea, the installfest guys were trying to solve a=
> network problem which remains.   Are you any good at debugging why two ni=
> cards do not seem to work together on a machine?

Are they the same chipset or different chipsets? Are they common cards or
very new/exotic? In that case getting a driver directly from the
manufacturer or from the driver developers may be necessary. What does dmesg

P.S. If you still want help from LERT please don't hesitate to mail

Henry House
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