[vox-tech] Linux solutions (was Re: monitor troubles)

Rick Moen vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 22 Apr 2004 12:54:04 -0700

Quoting Jeff Newmiller (jdnewmil@dcn.davis.ca.us):

> Don't forget that it is that sometimes-irrational persistence which makes
> Linux effective on such a wide range of hardware... it is users that have
> the incentive to search for those solutions.  Of course, sometimes the
> user must be a developer to finish the task, but whether they are
> programmers or merely documenting their solutions, those researches form
> the content that allows Google to tell you and me answers. :)

I greatly admire developers stubborn enough to (for example) develop
special Linux support for HP's low-end printer models 710/720/820/1000, 
which must be addressed using HP's "PPA" (Printing Performance
Architecture) proprietary communications protocol.  

But when I'm obliged in other cases, even after such doggedly persistent
work, to recompile my kernel and load special shim drivers, just to
support a really crummy, system-RAM-stealing throwaway integrated video
chipset, spending $40 on a real video card seems like a really good

Quick reference page:  Help resources on Linux hardware support and
other Linux matters:
(Linked from http://linuxmafia.com/kb/Hardware/ .)