[vox-tech] autofs - visible mountpoints and mountpoint locations

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Sun, 29 Jun 2003 16:54:47 -0700

On Sun 29 Jun 03,  2:09 PM, Ken Bloom <kabloom@ucdavis.edu> said:
> On 2003.06.29 11:17, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> >hi all,
> >
> >i just learned how to configure and use autofs.  works great except
> >for
> >a few minor glitches.
> >
> >one of the minor glitches is that the mount point, say, /auto/cdrom,
> >disappears until the filesystem gets mount.  for example, this
> >produces
> >no output:
> >
> >   $ ls /auto/
> >
> >however, this produces the the directory listing for the cd drive:
> >
> >   $ ls /auto/cdrom
> >
> >in other words, when automount runs, the mount point is not there
> >until
> >you ls or cd into the directory.  when the filesystem gets unmounted,
> >the mount point directory again disappears.
> >
> >i googled for this, and found that other people experience the same
> >thing.  it kind of sucks because:
> >
> >1. can't use filename completion (which i rely on)
> >
> >2. graphical file openers cannot reach the filesytem.
> >
> >3. having to tickle the directory before you use it is just
> >   very unaesthetic.
> >
> >does anybody know a way around this?   in other words, does anybody
> >know
> >how to keep the directories visible even when the filesystem isn't
> >mounted?
> >
> >i could've sworn i've installed mandrake systems at our IF's that had
> >this behavior....
> >
> >
> >
> >another minor glitch is that it appears you can't automount onto a top
> >level directory.  in other words, i can have the cd automount into
> >/auto/cdrom but not into /cdrom.  this is frustrating, because i
> >really
> >like having the mountpoint /cdrom.  can someone confirm or refute
> >this?
> >if possible, i'd REALLY like to have /cdrom, /floppy, and /jaz
> >automount
> >rather than /auto/cdrom, /auto/floppy, and /auto/jaz.
> >
> >thanks!
> >pete
> Mandrake systems use a different kernel patch called supermount, so it 
> sets up a fstab line where the fstype field is "supermount", one for 
> each drive.
ahhh...  ok. i might look into this.  supermount.  thanks!

> It sounds like autofs creates one mountpoint from the mount command's 
> point of view, and lists all of the removable media drives there as it 
> discovers that someone wants them,
you can have many mount "areas", each with multiple mount points.


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