[vox-tech] Anyone mess with Open Office out there?

Richard S. Crawford vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
17 Jan 2003 12:26:47 -0800


Thanks.  I've got the situation under control now; I wound up removing
the packages, then reinstalling them.  :)

How well does the Crossover Office product work for you?  I haven't
considered it very much because it seems unnecessary for the amount of
writing that I do now that absolutely requires Word, but that might
change once I start classes.


On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 11:16, Dick Ely wrote:
> I'd be glad to try, however I pretty well gave up on OO.   Openoffice It 
> is fine for "dear mom" letters that do not have to fit into a corporate 
> world  but it is not ready for business which is unfortunately anal 
> about the little things.   The Excel clone in particular, is just 
> impossible to do graphics as needed.  I wish I were smart enough to help 
> the OO people fix it up.
> I have migrated to Cross-Over.  Their package works for Word and Excel, 
> which is what I use it for.  I have had no luck with their IE package, 
> but that is not necessary.  
> Regards,  Dick Ely
> Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> >Anyone out there spend a lot of time with Open Office, who'd be willing
> >to help me fix some problems?
> >
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Richard S. Crawford
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