[vox-outreach] WEF on Mothers Day

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Sun May 8 02:13:09 PDT 2005

On Sat, May 07, 2005 at 06:00:49PM -0700, Jimbo wrote:
> To whom it may concern:
> I have the distinct honor in manning the wef booth tomorrow.

And thank you so much for offering to help! :^)

> Do I need to pick up anything?  Do I need to bring a lawn chair?  How about 
> cds? Are we ok on numbers?

Well, I think we ran out of The Open Source CDs today, but are more than
fine in the Knoppix and Ubuntu sides of things.  (And the Ubuntu LiveCD
that comes in the packs apparently ALSO have Open Source app installers for
Windows, if you pop the disc in while Windows is already up and running!)

> I'm corresponding with Tim Riley via email to see if he wants to go to 
> Bakers Square for some chow and java squeezins.  Anybody else wanna hook up 
> there?  Be doing me a big favor for I'm uncertain as to where to go and 
> park and the like and I need guidance.

Jonathan mentioned the location, and I had posted more-or-less the
following a coupla days ago.  If you look real close at a Google Map of
UC Davis, here...


...you'll see, around the center, North Quad, West Quad, East Quad and
Peter J Sheilds Ave.  The chunk in the center of those four roads/walkways
is the quad, where Whole Earth is taking place.

Our booth has a tent over it, and is right next to "OFFLINE", which has
a solar panel that we're hooked up to.  (And next to them, closer to
North Quad, is a recycling booth.  We're also very close to the Karma Dome,
so if you get lost, just ask for that, and any WEFfie will be able to point
the way.  Then just look for the LUGOD logo on a huge sign. :^) )

Emily stowed the LUGOD demo computer and the monitor we're using in her
office on campus, which is fairly close to where WEF's taking place.  She'll
be around in the morning (but not first thing) to bring it to the booth.

I don't think it'll be a big deal that the computer isn't there, because
it doesn't get tons of use.  (Little kids, including Mike Simons, play games
on it a lot, and sometimes Mike would show people random things.  I used it
once to answer a question about how many apps come with Linux.  The Debian
mirror we had (partially) installed on the Demo machine itself contains
around 15,000+ packages, FYI :^) )

ANYWAY, the rest of the stuff to set up on the table (various handouts and
pamphlets about different topics, and the CD giveaways) are all in a box
underneath our two tables.  Pretty easy-peasy. :^)

Thanks and good luck and enjoy!!!

PS - If you don't bring a bottle of water, you can bring a cup, or get a cup
from any of the food booths (for $1, which you get back when you return it),
and fill up with water from a big tanker from the Davis Food Co-Op.
It's just north of North Quad, pretty much directly north of our booth.

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