[vox-jobs] [fwd from svlug] JOBOFR: linux device driver consultants

Bill Kendrick vox-jobs@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 18 Mar 2003 11:03:28 -0800

----- Forwarded message from Marc MERLIN <marc_news@merlins.org> -----

Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 08:39:33 -0800
From: Marc MERLIN <marc_news@merlins.org>
Subject: [svlug] JOBOFR: linux device driver consultants
To: svlug@lists.svlug.org

Those are two contracting offers at google:

----- Forwarded message from Joseph O'Sullivan <joseph@google.com> -----

We are interested in having someone write a linux driver for us for
the canon DR-5080C scanner. We probably would be more than happy
having that code be returned to the open source community on
completion, assuming that we don't have to sign NDAs with Canon to
complete the project.

If you know a second person, we may be interested in having a linux
driver written for the Panasonic KVS2045c scanner at the same time.
Otherwise it would be dependent on the first person doing a good job
with the canon scanner.
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