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2011.05.16 Meeting Notes
Yolo County Public Library, Mary L. Stephens Davis Branch
Project Reports
- Installfests —
None scheduled. If someone wishes to put one together,
Alex Mandel can explain what needs to be done. It's likely
that we can use the commonhouse at N Street Cohousing.
- Hands-On Demo —
None scheduled. The next will probably be in September,
for this year's Software Freedom Day.
Other Business
- News —
- Announcement of upcoming events:
- June's LUGOD will be a talk on compiler creation with Haskell and LLVM. Location TBA, but possibly Wickson Hall at UC Davis.
- July's LUGOD will be "Running Databases with Appaserver", at the public library.
- August's LUGOD will be "FOSS Gaming" [exact topic and location TBA].
- September's LUGOD will be "Full Scale Flight Simulators" talk (rescheduled from March) [location TBA].
- A Linux system administrator position is open at UC Davis;
contact Bill Broadley, or check LUGOD's website for a job
posting later this week.
- LUGOD needs a venue for June's meeting (probably Wickson Hall, thanks
to Alex Mandel), as we have not heard back from our contacts at
Explorit regarding whether or not we can continue using their
facility on 5th Street. (Explorit has had to reduce operations due
to budget constraints; our previous contact, Megan, has left, and we
contacted her replacement a week or two ago.)
- Becoming a UC Davis "Campus Affiliate Group" —
Alex Mandel reminds us it will cost $30/year to be an affiliate group, and now
is a good time to sign up (since the affiliation runs from each June or July).
Bill Kendrick wonders if it would really be worth it, since we would probably
not prefer to meet on-campus during the school year, since paying for parking
is a big disincentive to show up. We'll discuss it further.
- Davis Community Network (DCN) Resource Allocation Committee) —
Bill mentioned that LUGOD can apply for resources from DCN. This includes
things we don't need, like web space and mailing lists, but also includes
our own group calendar as part of DCN's community calendar. No action has been
made yet, and Bill will look into this as he has time; it is not an urgent matter.
- Financial Report —
$37.75 [need to confirm with treasurer] in donations were received.
- Joel Bremson, Graduate Student Researcher at the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies,
discussed the Python-based "Django" web framework, and demonstrated installation,
and the creation and execution of a basic application.
- Presentation slides and example code
- Photos
- Andrew Roach
- Bill Kendrick
- Richard Harke
- Chris Horstig
- Joel Bremson
- Brian Lavender
- Rosana Mesa
- Diego Pedrosa
- Ken Koller
- Greg Fitzgerarld
- Abram Hindle
- Phil
- Jeff
- Tim Riley
- Chris
- Luke
- Alan
- Paul
- Alex Mandel
- Bill Broadley
- Tony Cratz
- Rodney Mineer
- ... and two others