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2009.09.21 Meeting Notes
Project Reports
- Installfests —
No news.
- LERT —
No report.
- Library —
No report. Daniel, from Solano Community College, said they're also in need
of books, if any are left after CSU Bakersfield get the ones they asked for.
(Robert, from Diablo Valley, pointed out that books added there would be
available county-wide.)
Other Business
- News —
There's a PHP conference in San Francisco this week. There'll be
a "Linux in Schools" talk at PenLUG in Redwood City on Thursday.
On Oct. 7th, there'll be a talk on DJ'ing and Music with Linux at
SVLUG in Mountain View. And LUGOD's next general meeting will be on
Oct. 19th, with the folks from Virtualmin (makers of Webmin).
- New Bank Account — A Golden1 account has been created.
- New PO Box — A PO Box has been set up at the US Post Office
on 5th Street in Davis. Our address is now: PO Box 2082, Davis, CA 95617.
- Financial Report — We had $950.43 in our bank account.
$260 was paid to the City of Davis for use of the Veterans Memorial Center
for our 11th anniversary meeting in January ($200 of which is a deposit).
$6.55 that was owed to Bill Kendrick was paid back. Not counting today's
donations, the bank account total is $683.88. We are still waiting to hear
back from Dos Coyotes regarding the fundraiser we held a number of months
ago. So far, emails from Bill Kendrick have been unanswered. Greg has
followed-up, and will follow-up again by phone.
$8.24 in voluntary dues were collected.
- Bill Kendrick presented a talk about BerkeleyTIP, with 'john_re'
occasionally speaking over speakerphone. (He was unable to get VOIP
set up on his new laptop in time.)
- Presentation slides (ODP/ Impress)
- Greg FitzGerald
- Brian Lavender
- Nick Schmalenberger
- Bill Kendrick
- Anthony Serna
- Eric Lamar
- Daniel Ramon
- Robert Wall
- Andrew Roach