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2009.06.15 Meeting Notes
Davis Food Co-Op Teaching Kitchen
Project Reports
- Installfests — The last Installfest was on May 30th.
Nick recalled that there were 4 or 5 installs, mostly Ubuntu
(one was using Wubi), and possibly one Fedora.
The next IF has not been scheduled.
- LERT — No news.
- Library — No news.
Other Business
- Multi-LUG booth at OSCON - Bill Kendrick contacted other
local Linux User Groups to see if they'd be interested in putting
together a multi-LUG booth at O'Reilly's Open Source Conference (OSCON)
in San Jose in July. 10-12 people responded, and Bill contacted O'Reilly
about getting a booth in the .ORG Pavillion. There's currently no room,
but we've been put on a waiting list. We also contacted the California
Ubuntu LoCo (Local Community), which will have a booth there, to see if
we can share space. It looks like this won't happen (Ubuntu-California
wants to make sure things look professional), so unless another group
drops out, the best we'll be able to do is create a flyer, which Ubuntu
has agreed to place at their booth. (O'Reilly might as well.)
- Venue needed - LUGOD will meet with Explorit to see about
meeting there. We're also looking at meeting at a City of Davis
meeting facility. (One location normally costs $22/hr, but if we
register as a Community Group (and Bill thinks we're a shoe-in),
it'd cost only $11. And if we meet on an on-going basis, after 3 months
it will cost only $5.50/hr.)
- Ad Hoc Elections - Due to Henry's absence and unreachability for
a number of months, based on rules in the bylaws, he has abdicated his
position as treasurer (/dev/null). Greg FitzGerald had offered to take
over, so Bill Kendrick nominated him, Brian Lavender seconded, and Greg
accepted. No objections were made to Greg taking over as treasurer.
Additionally, Grant Bowman nominated Brian Lavender as LUGOD's
vice president (sys), to take over for Bill Kendrick (who currently
technically holds both positions). Bill seconded, and Brian accepted.
No objects were made to Brian taking over as vice president.
- News — Cathy Malmrose of ZaReasons peaks at BALUG
tomorrow night.
- Financial Report — $23.35 in voluntary dues were
- Bill Kendrick
- Nick Schmalenberger
- Cameron Tully-Smith
- Greg FitzGerald
- Grant Bowman
- Al Lenaburg
- Jason Hammons
- Bill Broadley
- Liam
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- Brian Lavender
- Ryan Castellucci
- Graham Freeman