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2009.02.16 Meeting Notes
Davis Public Library
Project Reports
- Installfests —
No IF has taken pace yet. We're still looking for a suitable venue,
possibly the Davis Public Library or a room via Technocultural Studies
(a new major at UCD). We don't use Kemper because getting
network access is difficult. We can no longer use Zinfandel because,
though the Experimental College was fine with us being there, the
custodians keep the building locked.
- LERT — No news.
- Library — No change.
Other Business
- Whole Earth Festival - Nick Schmalenberger and Alex Mandel
have been discussing LUGOD attending this year's WEF at UC Davis.
Nick has offered to handle registration, and he has acquired a table
for LUGOD. WEF takes place on Mother's Day weekend in May, and
the deadline to sign up to participate is mid-March. We'll need
volunteers to burn CDs and staff the booth.
- News —
The next LUGOD meeting will be March 16th, and will be on Cmake.
- Financial Report — $??.?? in voluntary dues were
- Jason Howard, lead developer and co-founder, and Ramona Howard, founder
of Spectsoft, talked about their Rave product, and how it's used in
the film and television industries. Jason also discussed
CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture), a parallel computing
architecture developed by NVIDIA, and how they're utilizing it to
process video frames, real-time.
- Photos of this meeting
- Bill Kendrick
- Jason Howard
- Ramona Howard
- Sandy
- Chris Horsting
- Nick Schmalenberger
- Alex Mandel
- Tony Cratz
- Rodney Mineer
- Mike Altarriba
- Chris
- Richard Harke