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2008.09.15 Meeting Notes
Wickson Hall, UC Davis
Project Reports
- Installfests —
The next IF will be Sept. 27th. We should create a flyer for it, to hand out
at Software Freedom Day on Sept. 20th. Tony Cratz will be presenting
a "disk partitioning" workshop during the event.
- LERT — No news.
- Library — No news.
Other Business
- Upcoming Events — Ian Murdock, founder of Debian GNU/Linux,
will be speaking at BALUG in San Francisco tomorrow (Sept. 16th).
Tony Cratz is interested in carpooling (coming from Fairfield).
- Software Freedom Day — SFD takes place September 20th.
Alex said he can be there all day. During tonight's meeting, Alex and Tony
burned some more Ubuntu discs. Alex did not make any Knoppixes because
they're DVD-only now. We should put together a list of all of the OSS apps.
on whatever OSS-for-Windows discs we create, to hand out with them.
Alex or Tony can bring a power extension cord. Scott Miller might have
a dropcloth or tablecloth we can put on the table Alex is providing.
- Upcoming LUGOD Meetings —
code_swarm, a tool that visualizes the history
of a software repository, will be demonstrated and discussed in October.
And the CEO of ZaReason in Berkeley will come speak about basing a
commercial company (they sell Linux-based computers) on open source.
Another OSS business talk is scheduled in December. January will be our
10 year anniversary meeting.
- LUGOD Elections —
LUGOD officer nominations begin at the October meeting.
- Social Gatherings —
Newcomers have had a hard time finding LUGOD members at social gatherings.
We need to try to make ourselves more obvious, and at least one person should
try to be there by 7pm (when we state it officially begins).
- Financial Report — No voluntary dues were collected.
- Bill Kendrick discussed "libcrtxy", a graphics/game programming
library for making vector-graphics-based classic-arcade-style games.
- Presentation Slides
(238KB PDF)
- Bill Kendrick
- Alex Mandel
- Tony Cratz
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- Scott Miller
- Tom Corbett
- ... and at least 1 other