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2008.06.16 Meeting Notes
Wickson Hall, Room 2120J, UC Davis
Project Reports
- Demo — No news.
- Installfests — Thanks to Tony Cratz for stepping in for Chris
McKenzie at the last Installfest, May 17th.
No Installfest is scheduled at the moment.
Contact or post to the 'vox-if' mailing list for more
information, or if you'd like to volunteer for future IFs.
- LERT — No LERT calls since last meeting.
As usual, send email to if you need emergency Linux help.
- Library — No news. Book donation still pending.
Other Business
- LUGODers of the Quarter — Alex Mandel and Chris McKenzie
were both recognized for their recent contributions to LUGOD.
EDGE Tech Corp recently donated some 1GB "Diskgo" USB flash drives,
and Pearson donated some books, which we gave to them as gifts.
- News — LUGOD co-founder Pete Salzman, and
Norm Matloff from UC Davis, recently published a book on GDB.
Chris Takemura from LUGOD is about to publish a book on Xen.
Tomorrow is "Firefox Download Day", attempting to make a world record
of downloads.
- Potential Speakers — Chris McKenzie could talk about
using CScope with the VIM editor. We could invite Norm Matloff to come
speak about GDB. Chris McKenzie's coworker (Gerald Combs) could talk
about Wireshark (prev. Ethereal).
- Financial Report — $0.00 in voluntary dues were
- Bill Kendrick
- Alex Mandel
- Brian Lavender
- Chris Horsting
- Rodney Mineer
- Tony Cratz
- Richard Harke
- Gilbert
- Chris McKenzie
- Scott
- Brian
- Peter
- Adam
- Karen