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2008.05.16 Meeting Notes
Giedt Hall, Room 1006, UC Davis
This meeting was held in conjunction with GLOBAL: geography club of UC Davis.
Project Reports
- Demo — No news.
- Installfests — The next Installfest is tomorrow,
Saturday, May 17th. Alex Mandel is currently the only volunteer
staffing the event, and there are already 4 RSVPs. (Chris McKenzie
cannot help run the event this month.) Volunteers appreciated!
Visit to RSVP.
Contact or post to the 'vox-if' mailing list for more
information, or if you'd like to volunteer for future IFs.
- LERT — No LERT calls since last meeting.
As usual, send email to if you need emergency Linux help.
- Library — No news. Book donation still pending.
Other Business
- Yolo County Child Development Conference - LUGOD's booth at this
event was a success. Jessica brought her ASUS Eee PC and put together
a disc of open source software for education. Thanks to all those who
volunteered - check the project page for more details and photos.
- Whole Earth Festival - At the very last minute, Chris McKenzie
and Nick Schmalenberger put together a LUGOD booth at this year's
Whole Earth Festival, held last weekend at UC Davis. Chris Horsting helped
volunteer the booth, as well. Big thanks to Chris and Nick for putting
the booth together, since noone else stepped forward to coordinate or
volunteer, as we didn't have confirmation of our booth until days before WEF
- Officer Elections - Nominations are still open for Vice President,
since noone has been nominated yet. Also, Nick Schmalenberger will be
leaving the area soon, returning in September, so a stand-in or
replacement secretary is needed. Bill Kendrick will fill-in for the
time being.
- Pizza — LUGOD purchased 8 pizzas from Village Bakery,
which were devoured during an intermission. Thanks to Henry House for
putting in the order and picking up the pizzas.
- Financial Report — $??.?? in voluntary dues were
- Steve Coast, founder of the OpenStreetMap project and co-founder of
CloudMade, who was in the US for the Where2.0 conference in the Bay Area,
made a trip out to Davis to discuss the OSM project at tonight's combination
- Presentation
slides (21MB PDF)
- Photos of this meeting
- Bill Kendrick
- Henry House
- Nick Schmalenberger
- Alex Mandel
- Brian Lavender
- Larry Ozeran
- Chris Horsting
- Rodney Mineer
- Tony Cratz
- Richard Harke
- ... and at least 17 others