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2007.05.21 Meeting Notes
Davis Public Library
Project Reports
- Demo — No demo scheduled.
- Installfests — The last Installfest was May 19th.
No report was given.
Contact or post to the 'vox-if' mailing list for more
information, or if you'd like to volunteer for future IFs.
- LERT — No news.
As usual, send email to if you need emergency Linux help.
- Library — No news.
Send email to if you'd
like to borrow any books. (See )
Other Business
- Whole Earth Festival — LUGOD's booth at Whole Earth
Festival was a great success. Thanks to Nick Schmalenberger for
coordinating the event, Bryan Richter, Alex Mandel,
Subramaniyam Pooni and Dave Waetjen for helping set up, staff and
tear down the booth, Harold Lee and Jimbo (among others) for
burning CDs, and Bill Kendrick for maintaining the project coordination
website and providing handouts to print/copy.
- Pizza — Todd and Sunil from Oracle took LUGOD members out
to pizza at Roundtable after the meeting.
- Officer Elections — Officer nominations are still being
accepted. E-mail to nominate yourself, or another.
- Financial Report — $29.00 in voluntary dues were
- Sunil Mushran, Senior Development Manager, Oracle Linux Engineering Group
presented "OCFS2 / ASM / NFS Storage Options for Oracle on Linux".
- Todd Trichler, Senior Principal Product Manager, Oracle Technology Network
presented "Oracle Enterprise Linux usage & UNL"
Presentation slides and
blog links
- Jim Cota
- Donovan Freemyer
- Nick Schmalenberger
- Dmitriy Ivanov
- Richard Harke
- David Spencer
- Bill Wagman
- Kevin Hrim
- Gary McGlinn
- Bill Broadley
- Jeff DeFay
- Sachin Padmawas
- Prabhu Pilli
- Esteban Perez
- William Rhodes (and guest)
- Bill Kendrick
- Todd Trichler
- Sunil Mushran
- Mellissa Hardenbrook