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2007.01.15 Meeting Notes
Davis Public Library
Project Reports
- Demo — No demo scheduled.
- Installfests — The next Installfest is scheduled for
Saturday, January 20th at UC Davis. Please RSVP. Contact
or post to the 'vox-if' mailing list for more information, or if you'd
like to volunteer.
- LERT — No news.
As usual, send email to if you need emergency Linux help.
- Library — No news.
Send email to if you'd
like to borrow any books. (See )
Other Business
- LUGOD Birthday — LUGOD was founded in January 1999,
and therefore turned 8 years old at this meeting. Henry House brought
pizza from The Village Bakery, a cake from Ciocolate, and Emily Stumpf
baked cookies.
- Officer Elections — No new officer nominations were
received. Due to low meeting turn-out, nothing election-rated was done.
- Financial Report — $?.?? in voluntary dues were
- Brian Lavender discussed syncing two computers using rsync, demonstrating
it using Qemu. He then talked about his attempts at getting IMAP shared
mail folders working, and the group helped him to debug some issues.
- Henry House
- Nick Schmalenberger
- Bill Kendrick
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- William Kendrick
- Gabe Rosa
- Emily Stumpf
- Dmitriy Ivanov
- Doug Barbieri
- Chris McKenzie
- Brian Lavender
- David Waeten