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2006.03.02 Meeting Notes
Officer's Meeting
Nick Schmalenberger's office, Davis
- Resolution of items from last meeting
- Domain name was renewed
- Social meetings - moving to Delta of Venus. Henry House needs to call to
confirm that music will not interfere at March 7th meeting
- Henry will follow-up with Bill Kendrick on speakers.
- Tax Exempt Status
Henry has renewed our tax exemption
- Getting more members involved
Bill brought up the topic of getting more members involved in the club,
and increasing meeting attendance.
Possible ways to involve more members were outreach to the ucd cs club
and the high school. Lugods past issues with the high school were
mentioned, but it was agreed they were over.
- Slogans and Flyer Posting Campaigns
Considering a flyer posting event on Saturday, March 4th.
Chris McKenzie mentioned that most of the new members come from
computationally intense fields. For instance, club founder Pete Salzman
was in physics, past president Jonathan Stickel was in Computationl
biology(?), a recent social gathering attendee was a math PhD student.
At installfests we get contractors, civil engineers, chemists, etc.
— RARELY computer scientists. This should be well noted in our
recruiting efforts, as it is a critical observation.
Chris also mentions, regarding flyer posting, that an organized time
where people will show up, map out regions of flyering, and then do it
(much like political groups do) should not be hard.
("Parody campus groups can manage it fine, I am sure we can.")
- Hands-on Linux Demos
- Consider more interaction, less focus on the computer.
- Lee Welter posted some comments to 'vox' prior to the meeting, asking
whether demos work and target the right audience (people who haven't used
Linux). Officer meeting attendees feel demos are fine, but that we should
avoid talking for a long time to people who already know about Linux.
- Social Meeting
- Henry suggests having a loose topic for discussion at social meetings.
- Chris McKenzie suggests bringing free stuff to give out.
- Linux Demo Video, Live Disc and OSS for Windows DVD
Ryan Castellucci suggested LUGOD create a DVD containing a video introduction
to Linux, a live disc component (like Knoppix), and a collection of
Open Source software for Windows (like TheOpenCD).
- Meeting Room
The Blanchard Room at the Davis Public Library has been booked for LUGOD's
meetings through May 2006.
- PO Box Key
Henry thought that either Emily Stumpf or Mike Simons has the key.
No other news.
- Officer Positions
We discussed the officer positions. Ryan said that all he does now is
fill out the forms for the library room, and [missing from notes].
Henry said that because he is both president and treasurer,
and because those positions are supposed to have PO box keys, when the
second PO box key is found or replaced the secretary should have it.
Nick takes notes and attendance at meetings.
Officers present:
- Henry House (root, /dev/null)
- Ryan Castellucci (sys)
- Nick Schmalenberger (typescript)
- Chris McKenzie (IF coordinator)
- Seth Nagao (IF coordinator via IRC)
- Bill Kendrick (Public Relations officer via IRC)