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2004.11.15 Meeting Notes
Project Reports
- Demo - No demos scheduled.
- Installfests - This month's Installfest was scheduled for
November 20th, but it had to be cancelled. The usual Installfest
Coordinator, Jonathan Stickle, was unavailable on that day and noone
volunteered to take his place.
- LERT - No report.
- Library - No report.
Other Business
- Officer Elections - The following people were nominated:
Emily Stumpf, president; Dmitriy Ivanov, vice-president;
Marc Hasbrouck, secretary; Henry House, treasurer.
Since everyone was running unopposed, they were elected without
objections from the attendance. (However, Marc Hasbrouck was not
present at the meeting, and needs to be contacted to verify he
accepts the nomination.)
- Financial Report - $44.00 in voluntary dues were
- Ken Bloom
- Emilty Stumpf
- Henry House
- Mike Simons
- Daphne Pareas
- Bill Fell
- Dave
- Alex
- Eirik Dentz
- Dmitriy Ivanov
- Winston
- Johnathan Stickle
- Kenneth Herron
- Robert
- Jeff Newmiller
- Dick
- Dmitriy Ivanov
- Tim Schaeffer
- ...and 2 others