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2004.04.19 Meeting Notes
- Open Source Risk Management LLC says they cannot find SCO copyright
violations in the 2.4 or 2.6 kernels. Offer indemnification on legal
costs, and offers insurance.
- Earthlink found an average or 28 pieces of spyware on the typical PC.
(Apparently, though, this includes cookies. Not counting those, it's
only 7 pieces). This differs from a recent study by a university that
found spyware on one out of every 20 PCs.
- SuSE is apparently upset at RedHat for 'backporting' parts of the 2.6
kernel into the 2.4 version they ship.
- XOrg releases their own X11 server (based on XFree86 4.4), and opens
membership and elections
- Bill Kendrick's KDE talk (from the last LUGOD meeting) was mentioned
on Slashdot!
- Novell has begun migrating their employee's desktops to Linux
- Mandrake 10.0 is out; it's apparently their first to have undergone
quality assurance by the Open Source community
- Lindows is now called Linspire
- Samsung is using Linux in more embedded projects
- The Crepe Bistro in downtown Davis (where LUGOD used to meet after
meetings) closed a while back. A new restaurant recently opened in
its place: the Thai Bistro
- BALUG meets tomorrow. PostgreSQL talk.
- RoseLUG meets next Monday. Debian.
- DCN will be holding a class on Open Source applications on
May 6th.
Project Reports
- Demo - The last demo was last Saturday, April 17th,
from 2pm to 6pm at the Davis Food Co-Op. Mike Simons and Daphne
Pareas set up the new (Mini-ITX) LUGOD demo machine and a CRT monitor,
and Jonathan Stickel brought a laptop running Gentoo. Bill Kendrick
and Jonathan staffed the booth. There was more activity this time,
compared to last month. We handed out all 10 copies of Knoppix that
were recently burned for LUGOD by Tim Riley, as well as numerous
handouts and a copy of GNUWinII. $3 was donated for a copy of Knoppix.
- Installfests - The last Installfest was yesterday, Sunday April
18th. Unfortunately, due to Picnic Day on Saturday, the key to
Room 1131 couldn't be tracked down, so we used the lobby, and took
advantage of tables that were still out from Picnic Day. The IF was
small, with only half of the installees, and half of the volunteers
showing up. The next IF should be Saturday, May 15th. We should be able
to hold it at UC Davis again.
- LERT - No report.
- Library - Henry House mentioned that his ISP changed some
settings, and he was not receiving email for a short time. If you
contacted him previously regarding checking out a book, please try
Other Business
- Mike Simons
- Bill Kendrick
- Scot Albert
- Ryan Castellucci
- Chris
- Seth Nagao
- Richard Harke
- Bill Broadley
- Daphne Pareas
- Jonathan Stickel
- Mikal Saltveit
- Paul
- Ken Herron
- Emily Stumpf
- Dmitriy Ivanov
- Darrow Wahara
- Steve Caruso
- Doug Barbieri
- Bruce Wolk
- Stephen Matthew Helms
- Trevor Lango
- Tim Schafer
- Tim Allis
- Kevin Murakoshi
- ...and 5 others