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2004.02.16 Meeting Notes
- Parts of Microsoft Windows NT and 2000 source code was leaked recently
(apparently from versions circa summer 2000)
- The first exploit based on the leaked code has hit the Internet.
A signed vs. unsigned integer discrepency can cause a buffer underrun
in Internet Explorer's BMP image loading code, allowing attacker's code
to run.
- Bill Kendrick speaks at BALUG in San Francisco tomorrow. Zaurus demo.
- RoseLUG meets next Monday to talk about Knoppix.
Project Reports
- Demo - The next hands-on Linux demo will be on Saturday,
February 28th from 3pm to 6pm at the Davis Food Co-Op.
No updates to the recently-purchased new demo machine.
- Installfests - 8 people signed up for this month's IF. One walk-in
arrived as well. For the most part it went okay. One person had SATA
drives and apparently forgot to note it in their RSVP, so we had trouble
getting Debian on it. It sounds like Fedora worked.
- LERT - No news.
- Library - No news.
Other Business
- Open Source presentation for Sac. State MISA - Edward Elliott
will be speaking at March 10th's Sacramento State Management Information
Systems Association (SacMISA) meeting.
- Whole Earth Festival - WEF takes place at UC Davis on
May 7th-9th. LUGOD has been invited to attend once again.
It costs about $50 for the booth. We have yet to respond; waiting to
see whether LUGOD members are interested in volunteering.
- Government Technology Conference - GTC takes place at the
Sacramento Convention Center on May 10th-14th. LUGOD had a booth last year,
and would like to attend again this year, if possible. Unfortunately,
booths are expensive, and the way we got it last year was to wait until
they had space due to another group dropping out. We'll continue to check
back with GTC closer to the event to see if they get space this year, too.
- Financial Report - $26.50 in voluntary dues were
- Ken Bloom
- Seth Nagao
- Dawn Perri
- Rob Rogers
- Wilson Shealy
- Jeff K.
- Harry Souders
- Andrew Wyeth
- Chris Jenks
- Manprit Kapoor
- Ryan Castellucci
- Jeff Newmiller
- Scott Livingston
- Ken Herron
- Jeff Duncan
- Mark K. Kim
- Richard Harke
- Jonathan Stickel
- Gene Fodor
- Tim Stapko
- Mike Simons
- Bill Kendrick