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2003.10.07 Meeting Notes
- Oct. 7 thru 9, CS Club willhold Unix Tutorials.
- Oct. 8th SacLUG meeting will be Oraclie 9i JDeveloper on Linux.
- Oct. 14th NBLUG meeting in Sebastopol: MythTV.
- Oct. 15th - SUSE and UnitedLinux talk in Fremont.
Project Reports
- Demo - No demo scheduled.
- Installfests - We moved the September Installfest to later
in the month, after school at UC Davis started: Sept. 28th. 17 people
registered, 12 showed up. Since there event was so popular, and we had
to turn registrants away, we moved the October Installfest up to the
beginning of the month: Oct. 5th. 15 people registered. 4 didn't show,
but 3 to 4 walk-ins came in. Rusty can't spend time on a second IF this
month, so the CS Club will be holding their own on the regular IF date,
Oct. 19th. You can use LUGOD's RSVP page to sign up.
- LERT - No recent LERT activity.
- Library - The Art of Unix Programming and Open Source Network
Administration were donated to LUGOD from their publisher.
Other Business
- Projector - A suitable projector has been seen at Costco, for
only $1000! We'll most likely be purchasing it immediately!
- Tux Paint Demo - Bill Kendrick and volunteers will demonstrated
Tux Paint to kids and parents at the Davis Food Co-Op on Oct. 26th.
Ryan Castellucci has burned 40 CDROMs containing the software, to hand out.
- ISSA Conference - The ISSA conference will be Nov. 4th and 5th
in Sacramento. Ken Bloom, Doug Barbieri, Richard Harke and Ryan Castellucci
have all said they may be able to help volunteer staff LUGOD's booth there.
- Financial Report - $27.14 in voluntary dues were
- Bill Kendrick
- Mike Simons
- Ryan Castellucci
- Kevin Murakoshi
- Dmitriy Ivanov
- Ken Bloom
- Seth Nagao
- Richard Harke
- Jeff Rousch
- Dave Nelson
- Charlse Fu
- Doug Barbieri
- Jeff DeFay
- Marc Miller
- Tim Schaeffer
- Mark Kim
- Rudy Ramos
- Ricardo Angiano
- Stephen Mathhew Helms
- Daphne Pareas
- Isaac
- Steve
- Chris
- Matt
- Dan
- Josh
- Phil Pareas