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2003.08.18 Meeting Notes
- Some sponsors of SCO Forum are pulling out (e.g., Intel and HP)
- Top level SCO officials appear to be dumping their stock
- Gentoo 1.4 is out
- Computer Science dept. Journal at UCD is calling for papers.
Contact the CS Club at UCD for details.
- CS Club will be holding technical Unix tutorials (e.g., LaTeX)
this fall.
- Pete and Rhonda Salzman have left for the East Coast! We wish them
luck there, and will no doubt continue to see Pete on our mailing lists.
- BALUG meets tomorrow in SF. Seth Schoen from the EFF talks!
- East Bay LUG meets Wednesday in Fremont. "Building a Personal Video Recorder"
- RoseLUG meets next Monday in Roseville. "Apache Webserver 2.0" presentation
Project Reports
- Demo - No demo scheduled.
- Installfests - The August Installfest was cancelled.
Next should be in September.
- LERT - Apparently one LERT call never got a response!
- Library - Nothing to report.
Other Business
- Geek Swap - LUGOD held a swapmeet fundraiser at Doug Barbieri's
house in South Davis. Lots of people came to sell, and some people
even came to buy! We might have another one soon, at another member's
house in A Street in downtown Davis.
- LinuxWorld Expo - LUGOD shared our booth with the Electronic
Frontier Foundation. We collected around $70 in donations, mostly from
people who took 'Lose Windows Now, Ask Us How' bumper stickers the first
day. Doug Barbieri, Mark Breitung, Ryan Castelluci, Stephen Helms,
Dmitriy Ivanov, Bill Kendrick, Mike Simons, Melissa Hardenbrook,
and Kevin Murakoshi helped staff the booth, which was a great success!
Special thanks to Mike and Kevin for leeting people crash at their places
in Dublin and Oakland, respectively. Also thanks to Charles McLaughlin
for the awesome LUGOD sign for our booth!
- Picn*x12 - About 200 people showed up to the 3rd annual
Linux Anniversary Picnic in Sunnyvale! Oracle sponsored the
event, and some donations were collected, which will be used to jumpstart
next year's picnic!
- ISSA Conference - We've been invited by the local ISSA chapter to
have a Linux booth at the ISSA conference (security-related) in November
at the Sacramento Convention Center. Mike Simons needs to contact them to
- Financial Report - $22.61 in voluntary dues were collected.
- Chris Reed from Affero Inc. came to talk about the Affero Rating and Reputation
Service for Online Works.
- Bill Kendrick
- Mike Simons
- Dan B.
- Jeff DeFay
- Ryan Castelluci
- Tim Schaffer
- Leigh Jin
- Joe
- Ashleigh
- Scott Livingston
- Doug Naschke
- Bruce Wolk
- Dan
- Emily Stumpf
- Daphne Paraes
- Dmitriy Ivanov
- Marc Hall
- Kevin Murakoshi
- Isaac
- Chris
- ... and three others