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2003.07.21 Meeting Notes
- A class action lawsuit is being filed against DoubleClick internet
advertising network, due to users being 'hijacked' by clicking
banners which looked like Windows system messages.
- The French government has stopped using the term 'e-mail,' in
preference of the French 'corielle electronique.'
- Ryan 'Icculus' Gordon, formerly of Loki, is porting "Postal 2" to Linux
(and Mac).
- The UN is sponsoring use of, and training about, Linux in
- The RIAA (record industry) slapped various ISPs with nearly 900 subpeonas
to find peer-to-peer network users.
- Microsoft considers Linux their "#2 Risk," just under the
economic environment.
Project Reports
- Demo - No demo scheduled. We'll be at LinuxWorld Expo!
- Installfests - The July Installfest was cancelled due to low
sign-ups, and lack of access to the building at UC Davis. We're looking
for a venue for August's Installfest, which should be on August 17th,
- LERT - One LERT call is being worked on.
- Library - A collection of books were donated to LUGOD by
O'Reilly and Associates and Most were raffled off,
but we added 'Essential CVS,' 'Free as in Freedom' and
'SSH: Secure Shell' to the lending library.
Other Business
- Geek Swap - The Geek Swap will be at Doug Barbieri's house
in South Davis on Saturday, August 2nd. Interesting items include
a Zaurus 5000D Linux-based PDA, a complete Atari 800 computer system,
a Power Mac 6100, DEC Alpha Personal Workstation, and more...
- LinuxWorld Expo - LUGOD has purhcased a small collection of
"Lose Windows Now: Ask Me How" bumper stickers (from our Cafe Press shop)
to give out as 'thank yous' to people who donate to LUGOD at LinuxWorld
Expo. (30 stickers at $1.62 each, plus tax and shipping: $56.40)
- Picn*x12 - The Linux anniversary picnic is still happening on
August 9th (the Saturday after LWE) in Sunnyvale. Cooks are still needed.
See for details.
- Davis Motorsports - Tim Riley helped Davis Motorsports switch their
systems to Linux. At last meeting, we announced that they donated $200 to
LUGOD. In addition to this, Tim himself donated an additional $200!
- Book Raffle - We received a number of books from O'Reilly and
Associates in Sebastopol, and in Roseville, to give out at
this meeting. Titles given away included:
'Google Pocket Reference,' 'Understanding the Linux Kernel' (2 copies),
'Building Internet Firewalls,' 'The Cathederal and the Bazaar,'
'Free as in Freedom,' 'Open Sources,' 'Learning Red Hat Linux,'
'Running Linux,' 'Linux Security Cookbook,' and two copies of one other
- LUGOD sign - Charles McLaughlin made a large LUGOD sign, and
laminated it, for our booth at LinuxWorld Expo!
- Financial Report - $41.00 in voluntary dues were collected.
Seth Schoen, Staff Technologist for the Electronic Frontier Foundation
( spoke about the various laws EFF deals with, including the
Presentation notes
(Coming soon)
Seth was on KDVS radio on July 16th. An MP3 of the interview,
and a text transcript, are available on
LUGOD's media page.
- Pete Salzman
- Doug Barbieri
- Seth Schoen
- Hans Uhlig
- Henry House
- Rhonda Bailey
- Dan
- Mark B.
- Darrell
- Rick
- Marc Hasbrouck
- Lee Welter
- Dmitriy Ivanov
- Hugh
- Ken Herron
- Coco House
- Greg House
- Dave Nelson
- Mark Kim
- Chris
- Bruce Wolk
- Ryan Castelluci
- Marc Hall
- Emily Stumpf
- Mike Simons
- Daphne Pareas
- Stephen Helms
- Richard Harke
- Andy Jones
- Adam Morris
- Dylan Beaudette
- Correa Filomena
- ...and at least 20 others!